[Pkg-privacy-commits] [Git][pkg-privacy-team/libgsecuredelete][master] 2 commits: libgsecuredelete0.symbols: bump all versions to 0.3 (struct…

Ulrike Uhlig ulrike at debian.org
Mon May 28 10:28:43 BST 2018

Ulrike Uhlig pushed to branch master at Privacy Maintainers / libgsecuredelete

0753d8ca by intrigeri at 2016-12-07T16:59:28+00:00
libgsecuredelete0.symbols: bump all versions to 0.3 (struct _GsdAsyncOperationClass has changed, and it's used basically everywhere).

- - - - -
db6d3aca by intrigeri at 2016-12-07T16:59:28+00:00
libgsecuredelete (0.3-1)

Gbp-Dch: Ignore

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/libgsecuredelete0.symbols


--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
-libgsecuredelete (0.3-1~1.gbpd9c8cb) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
-  ** SNAPSHOT build @d9c8cb9fb125783942f3f59a000f84da6aac7209 **
+libgsecuredelete (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Import new upstream release.
+  * Bump copyright years on debian/*.
+  * Sort Build-Depends.
+  * Add build-dependency on valac.
+  * 0001-configure.ac-set-AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION-0.19.patch:
+    new patch, to allow building.
+  * Install translations (MO) files.
+  * debian/copyright: gsd-sfill-helper.in → gsd-sfill-helper.sh.in
+    (renamed upstream).
+  * Add new symbols to libgsecuredelete0.symbols.
+  * libgsecuredelete0.symbols: bump all versions to 0.3; the
+    _GsdAsyncOperationClass struct has changed, and it's used
+    basically everywhere.
  -- intrigeri <intrigeri at debian.org>  Wed, 07 Dec 2016 16:04:01 +0000

--- a/debian/libgsecuredelete0.symbols
+++ b/debian/libgsecuredelete0.symbols
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
 libgsecuredelete.so.0 libgsecuredelete0 #MINVER#
- gsd_async_operation_build_args at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_build_env at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_cancel at Base 0.1
+ gsd_async_operation_build_args at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_build_env at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_cancel at Base 0.3
  gsd_async_operation_classify_exit_status at Base 0.3
- gsd_async_operation_cleanup at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_error_quark at Base 0.1
+ gsd_async_operation_cleanup at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_error_quark at Base 0.3
  gsd_async_operation_exit_status_get_type at Base 0.3
- gsd_async_operation_get_busy at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_get_max_progress at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_get_path at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_get_progress at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_get_subprocess_error_msg at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
+ gsd_async_operation_get_busy at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_get_max_progress at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_get_path at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_get_progress at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_get_subprocess_error_msg at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
  gsd_async_operation_pause at Base 0.3
  gsd_async_operation_resume at Base 0.3
- gsd_async_operation_run at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_run_sync at Base 0.1
- gsd_async_operation_set_path at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_add_path at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_get_paths at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_new at Base 0.1
- gsd_delete_operation_remove_path at Base 0.1
- gsd_fd_count_ready_bytes at Base 0.1
- gsd_fd_error_quark at Base 0.1
- gsd_fd_read_ready at Base 0.1
- gsd_fd_read_string at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_get_directory at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_get_wipe_mode at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_new at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_run at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_run_sync at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_set_directory at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_set_wipe_mode at Base 0.1
- gsd_fill_operation_wipe_mode_get_type at Base 0.1
+ gsd_async_operation_run at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_run_sync at Base 0.3
+ gsd_async_operation_set_path at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_add_path at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_get_paths at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_new at Base 0.3
+ gsd_delete_operation_remove_path at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fd_count_ready_bytes at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fd_error_quark at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fd_read_ready at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fd_read_string at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_get_directory at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_get_wipe_mode at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_new at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_run at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_run_sync at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_set_directory at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_set_wipe_mode at Base 0.3
+ gsd_fill_operation_wipe_mode_get_type at Base 0.3
  gsd_intl_init at Base 0.3
- gsd_mem_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_mem_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_mem_operation_new at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_fast at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_mode at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_mode_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_run at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_run_sync at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_set_fast at Base 0.1
- gsd_secure_delete_operation_set_mode at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_get_check_device at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_get_device at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_new at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_run at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_run_sync at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_set_check_device at Base 0.1
- gsd_swap_operation_set_device at Base 0.1
- gsd_zeroable_operation_construct at Base 0.1
- gsd_zeroable_operation_get_type at Base 0.1
- gsd_zeroable_operation_get_zeroise at Base 0.1
- gsd_zeroable_operation_set_zeroise at Base 0.1
+ gsd_mem_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_mem_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_mem_operation_new at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_fast at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_mode at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_mode_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_run at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_run_sync at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_set_fast at Base 0.3
+ gsd_secure_delete_operation_set_mode at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_get_check_device at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_get_device at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_new at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_run at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_run_sync at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_set_check_device at Base 0.3
+ gsd_swap_operation_set_device at Base 0.3
+ gsd_zeroable_operation_construct at Base 0.3
+ gsd_zeroable_operation_get_type at Base 0.3
+ gsd_zeroable_operation_get_zeroise at Base 0.3
+ gsd_zeroable_operation_set_zeroise at Base 0.3

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-privacy-team/libgsecuredelete/compare/696705df56fc3b297928ad055751878721ef5990...db6d3acaf8a1d2ddef05cacfd883470faa6d3acc

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-privacy-team/libgsecuredelete/compare/696705df56fc3b297928ad055751878721ef5990...db6d3acaf8a1d2ddef05cacfd883470faa6d3acc
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