[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] RFS: codecrypt, the post-quantum cryptography tool

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Fri Mar 4 18:28:34 UTC 2016

Miroslav Kratochvil:
> [..] Integration of
> the development repo with gbp is problematic (gbp doesn't offer support for
> extracting "make dist" tarballs as orig's and packs up a lot of unimportant
> git-repo stuff) and I didn't want to create a separate repository just for
> deb packaging yet; but separate repo will probably be the right way.

Hi Miroslav, is this solution acceptable to you:

[as you already have, then]

	$(MAKE) dist

.PHONY: mk-orig-source
mk-orig-source: $(DEB_SOURCE)-$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM).tar.gz
	ln "$^" ../$(DEB_SOURCE)_$(DEB_VERSION_UPSTREAM).orig.tar.gz

no-create-orig = True

Then instead of running `build-debian-package.sh`, you would instead run `debian/rules mk-orig-source && gbp buildpackage` which will re-use any previous tarball you built using `make dist`.

This doesn't change the fact that the built files will be put into '..' and I am sorry that it annoys you, but it is a Debian standard at this stage. For us package maintainers that need to build multiple packages, it is easier to remember that all packages get built in '..', than to remember specific exceptions for specific packages.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

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