[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] Onionshare new upstream version 0.9 - questions

Micah Lee micah at micahflee.com
Tue Sep 6 20:54:55 UTC 2016

On 09/06/2016 02:53 AM, u wrote:
> Woah, great. I'll try later today (Europe time, sorry!) :))
> And I'll keep you posted.

No problem. I've just released 0.9.1. Here's the changelog:

* Added Nautilus extension, so you can right-click on a file and choose
"Share via OnionShare", thanks to Subgraph developers
* Switch to using the term "onion service" rather than "hidden service"
* Fix CVE-2016-5026, minor security issue related to use of /tmp directory
* Switch from PyInstaller to cx_Freeze for Windows and OSX packaging
* Support CLI in Windows and OSX

Hopefully you won't have any issues building this version for debian!

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