[Pkg-privacy-maintainers] Bug#839178: Bug#839178: Bug#839178: codecrypt impossible dependencies

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Fri Sep 30 15:30:00 UTC 2016

Control: notfound -1 1.7.5-1
Control: close -1 1.7.5-1

There is no bug, see below.

bancfc at openmailbox.org:
> Hi. Yes should be up to date. Here are the instructions I wrote for installing codecrypt. I think they are correct way to use pinning. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> https://www.whonix.org/wiki/PQCrypto#Installation

Your pin seems to be correct, but getting the numbers right is still a bit of an imprecise art. If you have suggestions on how to improve that, please file a bug to the APT developers. It has nothing to do with codecrypt.

> Here is what the command out looks like:
> sudo apt-get -t unstable install codecrypt libkolab0 libcrypto++6 libstdc++6 libkolabxml1
> [..]

This command tells apt-get to install libkolabxml1 from unstable, but it's not in unstable so it can't satisfy your request. Just use "apt-get -t unstable codecrypt".


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

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