Bug#648373: [CVE-2011-4130] Use-after-free issue

Florian Weimer fw at deneb.enyo.de
Fri Nov 11 18:56:02 UTC 2011

* Francesco P. Lovergine:

>> A use-after-free issue has been discovered in ProFTPd:
>> <http://bugs.proftpd.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3711>
>> It seems that squeeze is vulnerable, too.  I haven't checked the code
>> in lenny yet.

> I have 1.3.3a-6squeeze3 ready for squeeze with the required fix. 
> Waiting for a secteam go signal, just in case.

Thanks.  I trust that the call is at the right place, I find the code
somewhat confusing.

Please upload with the usual caveats (1.3.3a-6squeeze2 as version
number, squeeze-security suite, host security-master).

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