Bug#715569: ACK: Official mod_vroot lib broken, lib built from source works

张敬强 zhangjq at suninfo.com
Mon Jun 16 08:40:38 UTC 2014

Dear Maintainers:
My virtuals.conf file contains the following lines:

VRootEngine on
DefaultRoot /srv/ftp
VRootAlias /mnt/tank tank
VRootOptions allowSymlinks
VRootLog /var/log/proftpd/vroot.log

And I set DefaultRoot to /srv/ftp in proftpd.conf.
Then I visit the ftp service and no alias appeared.
vroot.log file show that the aliased path is always ~/<aliasname> (i.e. /home/user1/srv/ftp/tank for "VRootAlias /mnt/tank /srv/ftp/tank")

Rebuild Works


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