Bug#797773: proftpd-basic: Problem with mod_sql (no queries sent)

Hilmar Preuße hille42 at web.de
Mon Mar 20 21:59:15 UTC 2017

On 02.09.2015 14:51, Michal Rydlikowski wrote:

Hi Michael,

> mod_sql doesn't work with odbc and postgresql, there is connection
> with database, but no querys are sent.
> It works on the same configuration with the wheezy package (I builded
> package with wheezy version of proftpd)
Between 1.3.5 and 1.3.5d a few bugs in this area where fixed. Do you
have the chance to test w/ Debian unstable or to compile the 1.3.5.d
package on stable to test if the problem is solved?

http://www.hilmar-preusse.de.vu/   #206401 http://counter.li.org

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