Bug#839880: proftpd-basic: proftpd server instance crashed with signal 11

Hilmar Preuße hille42 at web.de
Thu Jan 11 12:32:03 UTC 2018

Am 09.01.2018 um 17:45 teilte Hilmar Preuße mit:


> I've escalated the bug to here [1]. Feel to subscribe to the bug to get 
> informed about news.
> Hilmar
> [1] http://bugs.proftpd.org/4334
I've got a response from upstream. They told me to test latest upstream 
1.3.6. So, I've packaged 1.3.6 for you, it is here [1]. I did a very 
basic test: I can transfer files using it, but I did not use ssl. So, 
please don't put it on a prod system, if possible.

Please be so kind to return results, i.e. if it sill crashes.

@Frankie: the source tree I have here. It's not perfect at all: I had to 
drop some patches b/c they did not apply. I still have to sort out if 
they are surplus or if they need to be adapted.


[1] https://freeshell.de/~hille42/proftpd/1.3.6/
#206401 http://counter.li.org

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