Bug#977107: proftpd-basic: Cannot login after upgrade from jessie to stretch then to buster

Francesco P. Lovergine frankie at debian.org
Sat Dec 12 16:00:52 GMT 2020

tags 977107 = confirmed upstream
severity 977107 normal


Ok, I managed to replicate the issue by using the default configuration
and your snippet on buster. It works only by removing the 
AuthAliasOnly/AuthUsingAlias directives.

Also, I did a fast trial with the latest jessie version (several security 
patch had been applied during its support time) with the same results.

Same results with testing and moving AuthAliasOnly in global, too.

<Anonymous /var/www/xxxxx>
       AnonRequirePassword     on
       RequireValidShell       off

	   AuthAliasOnly           on           <----- here the problem
	   AuthUsingAlias          on           <----- here the problem, even by using xxxxx for UserPassword

	   User                    www-data
       UserAlias               xxxxx www-data
       Group                   www-data
       Umask                   003
       GroupOwner              www-data
       MaxClients              2
       AccessGrantMsg          "Acceso Permitido a %u - Toda su actividad esta siendo monitoreada."
       HideNoAccess            on
       UserPassword            www-data w4/CBsf6D7jf2

Francesco P. Lovergine

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