Identlookups question

Francesco P. Lovergine frankie at
Sun Dec 13 15:57:01 GMT 2020

Hi, about the IdentLookups issue in proftpd.conf, as anyone can see the 
current situation does not make me happy. Upgrade in testing and upgrade
for stable will fail anyway at starting up of the daemon.

Basically, we use ucf to manage configuration files and the goal is
using postinst to provide an upgrade path of her/his files and
then asking to user. 

That is radically different from providing a default configuration set
(the file in templates) and then asking for each of them. Simply we
_suppose_ that existing files are ok for the user at upgrade time. If
not, we must provide an upgrade and replace the current file. This is a
breakage due to our move of mod_ident to DSO support (which is not bad,
this day it is rarely used I think) but requires some changes.

The reason is obvious: user could radically change all files and
asking again and again if (s)he need to maintain them or replace with
our templates is annoying.

I'm now going to add a pair of functions to modify both proftpd.conf
and modules.conf for managing upgrades.

That said, I'm not specifically happy of using sed/grep snippets to
fix stuff in postinst, therefore in the next future we could adopt
something inspired to the dh_apache2 approach (possibly a debhelper module), 
which could be also useful for addon modules in order to update configs.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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