Change version of proftp core package (temporarily)

Francesco P. Lovergine frankie at
Tue Nov 14 18:07:59 GMT 2023

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:45:20PM +0100, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
>Hi Francesco,
>we have to change the version of proftp core package (for a while). 
>1.3.8a+dfsg-1 is considered to be an older version than 1.3.8+dfsg-1 . 
>I'll fix that for 1.3.9, but to upload 1.3.8a, we have to do a trick. 
>My favorite would be to upload as "1.3.8.a+dfsg-1". Other options 
>could me something like "1.3.8+really1.3.8a+dfsg-1",

Ah sorry, I misunderstand the issue, I was concentrated on the SRU proposal... :-/
Yes, it should work, even in case of more point releases.

>Let me know your opinion.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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