[Pkg-pulseaudio-devel] Bug#545083: [Pkg-alsa-devel] Bug#545083: alsa-base: Audio output lags on Intel HD Audio with AD1984 chipset

Bailin Deng dengbl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 18:25:12 UTC 2009

2009/9/8 Bailin Deng <dengbl at gmail.com>:
> 2009/9/6 Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie at lxtec.de>:
>> * Bailin Deng [090906 14:25 +0200]
>>> 2009/9/6 Elimar Riesebieter <riesebie at lxtec.de>:
>>> > * Bailin Deng [090906 08:33 +0200]
>>> >> I upgraded to kernel  2.6.30, but the problem remained.
>>> >
>>> > I see you don't have much experience in emailing, because you're
>>> > always topposting, which makes reading your answers somewhat
>>> > terrible.
>>> > http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&source=hp&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=topposting&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=
>>> Thank you for the pointer. Hopefully I can now make it more readable:)
>> Sure ;-)
>>> >
>>> >> I think this is a bug of alsa instead of pulseaudio.
>>> >
>>> > Increasing the watermark is responsible for laaging your sound
>>> > output. Please notice, that alsa-sink.c is a file of the pulseaudio
>>> > source package. Please point me to the possible reason if I am
>>> > wrong.
>>> >
>>> >> All my applications that directly use alsa as output have such
>>> >> problem. The problem has appeared __BEFORE__ I installed
>>> >> pulseaudio on my system.  So it should be something related to
>>> >> alsa.
>>> >
>>> > Hmm, but not that lagging. As said before on my AD1984 chipset all
>>> > sounds well. Maybe you customized your pulseaudio setting in a wrong
>>> > way? For testing you should purge all pulseaudio packages, check
>>> > lagging and syslog and come back with the error infos to this
>>> > bugreport. Don't forget to backup your pulseaudio settings before.
>>> Actually the lagging problem came BEFORE I installed pulseaudio. I
>>> just installed pulseaudio in order to use skype. Surprisingly, after I
>>> purge the pulseaudio packages, the problem is gone.  It is really
>>> strange.  I also remember that BEFORE I installed pulseaudio, for
>>> several times I checked the /var/log/syslog file, hoping to find out
>>> the reason for the lagging problem. And I always found a lot of error
>>> messages about  wireless network, like "ath5k phy0: noise floor
>>> calibration timeout (2412MHz)".
>> Mybe you tried to hear sound from networkstreamings?
> Today I have the same audio lagging problem again. The symptom is
> similar (audio output hanging for a very short (but noticeable) time),
> although it is less frequent (about one lagging per 90 seconds). At
> the same time I got a lot of error messages from wireless network
> again in the /var/log/syslog file. Here is the content of that file
> within the last 15 minutes:
> Sep  8 19:51:06 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:51:54 dbl-pc kernel: [25503.624905] ath5k phy0: noise floor
> calibration timeout (2412MHz)
> Sep  8 19:52:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:53:06 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:54:06 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:55:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:55:27 dbl-pc kernel: [25719.605410] ath5k phy0: noise floor
> calibration timeout (2412MHz)
> Sep  8 19:56:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:57:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:57:52 dbl-pc kernel: [25866.669275] ath5k phy0: noise floor
> calibration timeout (2412MHz)
> Sep  8 19:58:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 19:59:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 20:00:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 20:00:53 dbl-pc kernel: [26050.488420] ath5k phy0: noise floor
> calibration timeout (2412MHz)
> Sep  8 20:01:06 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 20:02:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 20:03:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> Sep  8 20:04:07 dbl-pc wpa_supplicant[3165]: CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULTS
> So I really suspect that the audio lagging and the wireless error
> messages are somehow connected. Is it possible that the kernel is too
> busy handling the wireless module, so that for a short time it is
> unable to process the audio?

Some more information about the wireless network:  From the
NetworkManager applet in Gnome, I can see that there are currently 5
wireless networks detected by my system (but I am not connected to any
of them).  Usually when I am having the audio lagging problem, the
NetworkManager applet shows more than 4 wireless networks signals
available.  Yesterday the audio worked fine, and the NetowrkManager
applet shown no wireless network. Besides, I note that when there are
more wireless networks available, the lagging events become more
frequent. That seems to indicate some connection between the wireless
network and the audio lagging.

>>> And now there is no such error message
>>> from ath5k, and the audio is also working fine. I am not sure whether
>>> there is any connection between the ath5k error and the audio lagging.
>>> But anyway, I am glad that the audio finally works now.
>> Fine. Now you have to solve how to interact alsa with the latest
>> pulseaudio version ((0.9.15-4.1).
>> [...]
>> Have fun
>> Elimar
>> --
>>  >what IMHO then?
>>  IMHO - Inhalation of a Multi-leafed Herbal Opiate ;)
>>              --posting from alex in debian-user--

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