Bug#652306: pulseaudio: volume control doesn't noticeably change volume until almost mute

kete at ninthfloor.org kete at ninthfloor.org
Sun Nov 4 18:03:25 UTC 2012

Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at luon.net> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 01:31:07PM -0500, Kenneth W Foy, Jr wrote:
> > >does this happen with pulseaudio 1.1
> > >from unstable, too?
> Going back trouch old bugs, does this still occur with the version in wheezy?
Yes, it occurs in every distro, so I have to uninstall pulseaudio after any installation; and it's not unusual for other people to do this as well.

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