Bug#705435: [kfreebsd] hangs on pulseaudio --start

Steven Chamberlain steven at pyro.eu.org
Mon Apr 15 23:52:29 UTC 2013

Control: tags -1 + patch

The simple task of starting a pulseaudio daemon, seems to require
creation of a lockfile, using an additional thread to synchronise that,
then forking, doing the same again using two more threads, and forking
once more.

Happily I found a much, much simpler solution in FreeBSD ports, where a
similar problem had already been reported in this code.  The relevant
block is simply commented out and yet I don't notice any functional
difference.  Only that it works reliably and allows GDM3 and GNOME
sessions to start (have tested this on kfreebsd-amd64).


Please could we apply the same change (attached, commented and cleaned
up) for kFreeBSD, to fix this bug for wheezy.  The other patch I
suggested earlier is made unnecessary by this.

Thank you,
Steven Chamberlain
steven at pyro.eu.org
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