RFH: pulseaudio -- PulseAudio sound server

Balint Reczey balint at balintreczey.hu
Tue Apr 1 15:29:19 UTC 2014

Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


PulseAudio is a widely used sound server. According to popcon it is
present on ~60% of Debian installations [1]. Most of the time it just
works and no one notices its existence [2].
Less often it has issues and this is how the amount of bugs outgrew the
small team of PulseAudio maintainers (which basically had only one
active member for years). :-(

If you care about the sound system on Debian either because you have
issues with it to solve or because you would like to keep it working for
others as well, please consider helping the maintenance team a bit by
moving bugs forward or even joining the team.


[1] http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=pulseaudio
[2] http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/pulseaudio.html

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