Bug#813423: Workaround

Raphaël POITEVIN rpoitevin at hypra.fr
Tue Mar 8 09:43:53 UTC 2016

Dear maintainer,

In response to your answer to Jean-Philippe who Im' working with, I 
tried the workaround.

If I understood correctly, this workaround consist in disabling 

I tried to comment the line in /etc/pulse-default.pa. I tried also to 
disable this module after login with pactl unload 

Unfortunately, I meet the same problems.

I tried also to disable auto-mute in alsamixer. It seems to work better, 
plug and unplug switches correctly between headphone and speakers, but 
sound disappears sometime after reboot.

Thank you for your help.

Hypra S.A.S.
tél. : 01 84 73 06 61
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