Mail Delivery Failure

Mail Delivery System MAILER-DAEMON at
Fri Nov 13 07:15:12 GMT 2020

This is the mail delivery agent at Symantec Email

I was unable to deliver your message to the following addresses:

1843983462 at

Reason: 550 Ip frequency limited [MF/fLNxq+kqrdFv1P34TwHKQYWGK8FjFVsP7sdhV7K5N77tEddJ8nm00MALLJL8gKA== Blocked IP].

The message subject was: 约蜜
The message date was: Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:14:47 +0800
The message identifier was: 8D/C1-28581-0723EAF5
The message reference was:!1605251670!20599!1

Please do not reply to this email as it is sent from an unattended mailbox.
Contact your email administrator if you need more information, or
instructions for resolving this issue.
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