Bug#1056383: effect of patch of pulseaudio

Chris Vogel chris at z9.de
Mon Dec 4 07:47:01 GMT 2023

I've been running the patched version of pulseaudio for a few days now.

Open memfd for the software I'm using are staying a lot lower except for gnome-shell:

`lsof | grep 'memfd:pulseaudio (deleted)' | cut -c1-16 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n`

gives me

       3 callaudio 47850
      10 gsd-media 47461
      25 dino-im   51472
      27 nheko     49733
     123 firefox-b 47974
     167 thunderbi 34794
     188 thunderbi 50508
     208 firefox-b 48541
     500 firefox-b 48996
    1681 gnome-she 47208

The numbers above accumulated during 7 days uptime. Applications have not been restarted. The open memfds for gnome-shell look like this:

`gnome-she 47208                           user   81u      REG                0,1    67108864     180957 /memfd:pulseaudio (deleted)`

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