[Pkg-puppet-devel] IMPORTANT: Puppetmaster ignores environment configuration

Javier Bertoli javier at brtl.com.ar
Thu Jan 31 22:06:15 UTC 2008


The latest version of puppetmaster package (0.24.1-2) has a bug in the 


line 183, that fails to handle environment configurations and modulepaths:

   files = Puppet::Module::find_manifests(pat, :cwd => dir)

must be changed to:

   files = Puppet::Module::find_manifests(pat, :cwd => dir, :environment => 

It has been fixed in the mainstream puppet site, you can see the bug 
report at:


and the changeset at:


Hope this helps (I don't know if I'm reporting it to the proper place ;)

Thanks in advance

                 Javier, a.a.t.

    "I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
                                                           (Ben Franklin)

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