[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, master, updated. debian/0.24.7-1-98-gf19c0e5
James Turnbull
james at lovedthanlost.net
Wed Apr 8 21:48:19 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ec56ddf8f5b58f16d0067055346889be79b29186
Author: James Turnbull <james at lovedthanlost.net>
Date: Sat Feb 28 10:30:23 2009 +1100
This script fixes the most common issues with inconsistent
storeconfigs database (including duplicate resources record,
duplicate param_values records, dangling records...).
stop all puppetmasters
backup your database!
% cat ext/dbfix.sql | mysql puppet
relaunch all puppetmasters
Signed-off-by: Brice Figureau <brice-puppet at daysofwonder.com>
index c9ac112..70caf45 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ Added ext/dbfix.sql script - fixes common errors in stored configuration databases
Fixed #1963 - Failing to read /proc/mounts for selinux kills file downloads
Fixed #2025 - gentoo service provider handle only default init level
diff --git a/ext/dbfix.sql b/ext/dbfix.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d22914a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dbfix.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+-- MySQL DB consistency check/fix
+-- Usage:
+-- cat dbfix.sql | mysql -u user -p puppet
+-- WARNING: perform a database backup before running this script
+-- Remove duplicate resources, and keep the latest one
+DELETE bad_rows.*
+FROM resources AS bad_rows
+ SELECT title,restype,host_id, MAX(id) as max_id
+ FROM resources
+ GROUP BY title,restype,host_id
+ HAVING count(*) > 1
+ ) AS good_rows
+ ON
+ good_rows.title = bad_rows.title AND
+ good_rows.restype = bad_rows.restype AND
+ good_rows.host_id = bad_rows.host_id AND
+ good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.id;
+-- Remove duplicate param_values, and keep the latest one
+DELETE bad_rows.*
+FROM param_values AS bad_rows
+ SELECT value,param_name_id,resource_id, MAX(id) as max_id
+ FROM param_values
+ GROUP BY value,param_name_id,resource_id
+ HAVING count(*) > 1
+ ) AS good_rows
+ ON
+ good_rows.value = bad_rows.value AND
+ good_rows.param_name_id = bad_rows.param_name_id AND
+ good_rows.resource_id = bad_rows.resource_id AND
+ good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.id;
+-- Remove duplicate param_names, and keep the latest one
+DELETE bad_rows.*
+FROM param_names AS bad_rows
+ SELECT name, MAX(id) as max_id
+ FROM param_names
+ GROUP BY name
+ HAVING count(*) > 1
+ ) AS good_rows
+ ON
+ good_rows.name = bad_rows.name AND
+ good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.id;
+-- Remove duplicate resource_tags, and keep the latest one
+DELETE bad_rows.*
+FROM resource_tags AS bad_rows
+ SELECT resource_id,puppet_tag_id, MAX(id) as max_id
+ FROM param_names
+ GROUP BY resource_id,puppet_tag_id
+ HAVING count(*) > 1
+ ) AS good_rows
+ ON
+ good_rows.resource_id = bad_rows.resource_id AND
+ good_rows.puppet_tag_id = bad_rows.puppet_tag_id AND
+ good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.id;
+-- Remove duplicate puppet_tags, and keep the latest one
+DELETE bad_rows.*
+FROM puppet_tags AS bad_rows
+ SELECT name, MAX(id) as max_id
+ FROM puppet_tags
+ GROUP BY name
+ HAVING count(*) > 1
+ ) AS good_rows
+ ON
+ good_rows.name = bad_rows.name AND
+ good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.id;
+-- Fix dangling resources
+-- note: we use a table to not exceed the number of InnoDB locks if there are two much
+-- rows to delete.
+-- this is an alternative to: DELETE resources FROM resources r LEFT JOIN hosts h ON h.id=r.host_id WHERE h.id IS NULL;
+CREATE TABLE resources_c LIKE resources;
+INSERT INTO resources_c SELECT r.* FROM resources r INNER JOIN hosts h ON h.id=r.host_id;
+RENAME TABLE resources TO resources_old, resources_c TO resources;
+DROP TABLE resources_old;
+-- Fix dangling param_values
+CREATE TABLE param_values_c LIKE param_values;
+INSERT INTO param_values_c SELECT v.* FROM param_values v INNER JOIN resources r ON r.id=v.resource_id;
+RENAME TABLE param_values TO param_values_old, param_values_c TO param_values;
+DROP TABLE param_values_old;
+-- Fix dangling resource_tags
+CREATE TABLE resource_tags_c LIKE resource_tags;
+INSERT INTO resource_tags_c SELECT t.* FROM resource_tags t INNER JOIN resources r ON r.id=t.resource_id;
+RENAME TABLE resource_tags TO resource_tags_old, resource_tags_c TO resource_tags;
+DROP TABLE resource_tags_old;
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