[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, master, updated. debian/0.24.7-1-98-gf19c0e5

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Wed Apr 8 21:48:22 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 01bc88c7e2a3d5a71aec8f0727631cbf41680720
Author: Bryan Kearney <bkearney at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 23 11:21:59 2009 -0500

    Added a force option to ensure the change is always applied, and call augeas twice to reduce the chance that data is lost

diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
index e9471b1..56e217a 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ require 'augeas' if Puppet.features.augeas?
 Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
     include Puppet::Util
-    confine :true => Puppet.features.augeas?   
+    confine :true => Puppet.features.augeas?
     has_features :parse_commands, :need_to_run?,:execute_changes
     SAVE_NOOP = "noop"
@@ -85,14 +85,22 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
             load_path = self.resource[:load_path]
             debug("Opening augeas with root #{root}, lens path #{load_path}, flags #{flags}")
             @aug = Augeas.open(root, load_path,flags)
             if (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6")
                 debug("Augeas version #{self.get_augeas_version()} is installed")
+    def close_augeas
+        if (!@aug.nil?)
+            @aug.close()
+            debug("Closed the augeas connection")
+            @aug = nil;
+        end
+    end
     # Used by the need_to_run? method to process get filters. Returns
     # true if there is a match, false if otherwise
     # Assumes a syntax of get /files/path [COMPARATOR] value
@@ -121,8 +129,8 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
-    end    
+    end
     # Used by the need_to_run? method to process match filters. Returns
     # true if there is a match, false if otherwise
     def process_match(cmd_array)
@@ -137,7 +145,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
         #Get the values from augeas
         result = @aug.match(path) || ''
         # Now do the work
-        if (!result.nil?)
+        unless (result.nil?)
             case verb
                 when "size":
                     fail("Invalid command: #{cmd_array.join(" ")}") if cmd_array.length != 2
@@ -170,13 +178,14 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
     def files_changed?
         saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved")
-        return saved_files.size() > 0 
+        return saved_files.size() > 0
     # Determines if augeas acutally needs to run.
     def need_to_run?
-        self.open_augeas()
+        force = resource[:force]
         return_value = true
+        self.open_augeas()
         filter = resource[:onlyif]
         unless (filter == "")
             cmd_array = filter.split
@@ -193,48 +202,52 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
-        # If we have a verison of augeas which is at least 0.3.6 then we
-        # can make the changes now, see if changes were made, and
-        # actually do the save.
-        if ((return_value) and (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6"))
-            debug("Will attempt to save and only run if files changed")
-            self.set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_NOOP)
-            self.do_execute_changes()
-            save_result = @aug.save()
-            saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved")
-            if ((save_result) and (not files_changed?))
-                debug("Skipping becuase no files were changed")
-                return_value = false
-            else
-                debug("Files changed, should execute")
+        unless (force)
+            # If we have a verison of augeas which is at least 0.3.6 then we
+            # can make the changes now, see if changes were made, and
+            # actually do the save.
+            if ((return_value) and (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6"))
+                debug("Will attempt to save and only run if files changed")
+                self.set_augeas_save_mode(SAVE_NOOP)
+                self.do_execute_changes()
+                save_result = @aug.save()
+                saved_files = @aug.match("/augeas/events/saved")
+                if ((save_result) and (not files_changed?))
+                    debug("Skipping becuase no files were changed")
+                    return_value = false
+                else
+                    debug("Files changed, should execute")
+                end
+        self.close_augeas()
         return return_value
-    end 
+    end
     def execute_changes
-        # if we have version 0.3.6 or greater we have already executed
-        # the changes. We just need to save them. If not, do the changes
+        # Re-connect to augeas, and re-execute the changes
+        self.open_augeas()
         if (self.get_augeas_version() >= "0.3.6")
-        else
-            self.do_execute_changes()
+        self.do_execute_changes()
         success = @aug.save()
         if (success != true)
             fail("Save failed with return code #{success}")
+        self.close_augeas()
-        return :executed            
+        return :executed
     # Actually execute the augeas changes.
     def do_execute_changes
-        commands = resource[:changes]
+        commands = resource[:changes].clone()
         context = resource[:context]
         commands.each do |cmd_array|
+            cmd_array = cmd_array.clone()
             fail("invalid command #{cmd_array.join[" "]}") if cmd_array.length < 2
             command = cmd_array[0]
@@ -246,32 +259,33 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:augeas).provide(:augeas) do
                         @aug.set(cmd_array[0], cmd_array[1])
                     when "rm", "remove":
                         cmd_array[0]=File.join(context, cmd_array[0])
-                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")                    
+                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")
                     when "clear":
                         cmd_array[0]=File.join(context, cmd_array[0])
-                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")                    
+                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}")
                     when "insert", "ins"
-                        if cmd_array.size < 3
+                        ext_array = cmd_array[1].split(" ") ;
+                        if cmd_array.size < 2 or ext_array.size < 2
                             fail("ins requires 3 parameters")
                         label = cmd_array[0]
-                        where = cmd_array[1]
-                        path = File.join(context, cmd_array[2]) 
+                        where = ext_array[0]
+                        path = File.join(context, ext_array[1])
                         case where
                             when "before": before = true
                             when "after": before = false
                             else fail("Invalid value '#{where}' for where param")
-                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{[label, where, path].inspect()}") 
-                        @aug.insert(path, label, before)
+                        debug("sending command '#{command}' with params #{[label, where, path].inspect()}")
+                        aug.insert(path, label, before)
                     else fail("Command '#{command}' is not supported")
             rescue Exception => e
                 fail("Error sending command '#{command}' with params #{cmd_array.inspect}/#{e.message}")
-    end   
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/type/augeas.rb b/lib/puppet/type/augeas.rb
index c89400b..e0d5e10 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/type/augeas.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/type/augeas.rb
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
     include Puppet::Util
     feature :parse_commands, "Parse the command string"
     feature :need_to_run?, "If the command should run"
-    feature :execute_changes, "Actually make the changes"    
+    feature :execute_changes, "Actually make the changes"
     @doc = "Apply the changes (single or array of changes) to the filesystem
         via the augeas tool.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
     newparam (:context) do
         desc "Optional context path. This value is pre-pended to the paths of all changes"
-        defaultto ""        
+        defaultto ""
     newparam (:onlyif) do
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
                AN_ARRAY is in the form ['a string', 'another']"
         defaultto ""
     newparam(:changes) do
         desc "The changes which should be applied to the filesystem. This
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
         If the parameter 'context' is set that value is prepended to PATH"
-        munge do |value|    
+        munge do |value|
@@ -115,6 +115,13 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
         defaultto ""
+    newparam(:force) do
+        desc "Optional command to force the augeas type to execute even if it thinks changes
+        will not be made. This does not overide the only setting. If onlyif is set, then the
+        foce setting will not override that result"
+        defaultto false
+    end
     newparam(:type_check) do
         desc "Set to true if augeas should perform typechecking. Optional, defaults to false"
@@ -122,7 +129,7 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
         defaultto :false
     # This is the acutal meat of the code. It forces
     # augeas to be run and fails or not based on the augeas return
     # code.
@@ -131,12 +138,12 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
         desc "The expected return code from the augeas command. Should not be set"
         defaultto 0
         # Make output a bit prettier
         def change_to_s(currentvalue, newvalue)
             return "executed successfully"
-        end        
+        end
         # if the onlyif resource is provided, then the value is parsed.
         # a return value of 0 will stop exection becuase it matches the
         # default value.
@@ -146,12 +153,12 @@ Puppet::Type.newtype(:augeas) do
-        end            
+        end
         # Actually execute the command.
         def sync
-    end    
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas.rb b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
index e05812d..2841456 100644
--- a/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/augeas/augeas.rb
@@ -10,49 +10,49 @@ describe provider_class do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks")
             tokens.size.should == 1
-            tokens[0].size.should == 3      
+            tokens[0].size.should == 3
             tokens[0][0].should == "set"
             tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
-            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"            
+            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
         it "should break apart a multiple line into six tokens" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks\nrm anakin skywalker")
             tokens.size.should == 2
-            tokens[0].size.should == 3      
-            tokens[1].size.should == 3            
+            tokens[0].size.should == 3
+            tokens[1].size.should == 3
             tokens[0][0].should == "set"
             tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
-            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"            
+            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
             tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
             tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
-            tokens[1][2].should == "skywalker"                
-        end        
+            tokens[1][2].should == "skywalker"
+        end
         it "should handle arrays" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             commands = ["set /Jar/Jar Binks", "rm anakin skywalker"]
             tokens = provider.parse_commands(commands)
             tokens.size.should == 2
-            tokens[0].size.should == 3      
-            tokens[1].size.should == 3            
+            tokens[0].size.should == 3
+            tokens[1].size.should == 3
             tokens[0][0].should == "set"
             tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
-            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"            
+            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
             tokens[1][0].should == "rm"
             tokens[1][1].should == "anakin"
-            tokens[1][2].should == "skywalker"                
-        end                
+            tokens[1][2].should == "skywalker"
+        end
         it "should concat the last values" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands("set /Jar/Jar Binks is my copilot")
             tokens.size.should == 1
-            tokens[0].size.should == 3      
+            tokens[0].size.should == 3
             tokens[0][0].should == "set"
             tokens[0][1].should == "/Jar/Jar"
-            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"            
+            tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
         it "should accept spaces and and single ticks" do
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == "Jar Jar"
             tokens[0][2].should == "Binks"
         it "should accept spaces in the value and and single ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands("set 'Jar Jar' 'Binks is my copilot'")
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == "Jar Jar"
             tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
         it "should accept spaces and and double ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set "Jar Jar" Binks')
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == 'Jar Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == 'Binks'
         it "should accept spaces in the value and and double ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set "Jar Jar" "Binks is my copilot"')
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == 'Jar Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == 'Binks is my copilot'
         it "should accept mixed ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set "Jar Jar" "Some \'Test\'"')
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == 'Jar Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == "Some \'Test\'"
         it "should accept only the last value using ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set /Jar/Jar "Binks is my copilot"')
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == '/Jar/Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
         it "should accept only the first value using ticks" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set "Jar Jar" copilot')
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][1].should == 'Jar Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == "copilot"
         it "should accept only the first value using ticks and the last values being concatenated" do
             provider = provider_class.new()
             tokens = provider.parse_commands('set "Jar Jar" Binks is my copilot')
@@ -133,167 +133,193 @@ describe provider_class do
             tokens[0][0].should == "set"
             tokens[0][1].should == 'Jar Jar'
             tokens[0][2].should == "Binks is my copilot"
-        end         
+        end
     describe "get filters" do
         before do
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
-            @provider = provider_class.new()        
-            @provider.aug= augeas_stub 
+            @provider = provider_class.new()
+            @provider.aug= augeas_stub
         it "should return false for a = nonmatch" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "value"]
             @provider.process_get(command).should == true
         it "should return true for a != match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "!=", "value"]
             @provider.process_get(command).should == false
-        end        
+        end
         it "should return true for a =~ match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "val*"]
             @provider.process_get(command).should == true
-        end           
+        end
         it "should return false for a == nonmatch" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "=~", "num*"]
             @provider.process_get(command).should == false
-        end 
+        end
     describe "match filters" do
         before do
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
-            @provider = provider_class.new()        
-            @provider.aug= augeas_stub       
+            @provider = provider_class.new()
+            @provider.aug= augeas_stub
         it "should return true for size match" do
             command = ["match", "fake value", "size", "==", "3"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == true
         it "should return false for a size non match" do
             command = ["match", "fake value", "size", "<", "3"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == false
-        end    
+        end
         it "should return true for includes match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "include", "values"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == true
-        end           
+        end
         it "should return false for includes non match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "include", "JarJar"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == false
-        end           
+        end
         it "should return true for an array match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "['set', 'of', 'values']"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == true
-        end  
+        end
         it "should return false for an array non match" do
             command = ["get", "fake value", "==", "['this', 'should', 'not', 'match']"]
             @provider.process_match(command).should == false
-        end                 
-    end    
-    describe "legacy need to run" do
+        end
+    end
+    describe "need to run" do
         it "should handle no filters" do
-            resource = stub("resource", :[] => "")
-            augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])            
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("")
+            augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
             provider = provider_class.new(resource)
-            provider.need_to_run?.should == true        
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == true
         it "should return true when a get filter matches" do
-            resource = stub("resource", :[] => "get path == value")
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == value")
             provider = provider_class.new(resource)
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
             provider.aug= augeas_stub
-            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")      
-            provider.need_to_run?.should == true       
-        end       
+            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == true
+        end
         it "should return false when a get filter does not match" do
-            resource = stub("resource", :[] => "get path == another value")
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("get path == another value")
             provider = provider_class.new(resource)
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :get => "value")
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
             provider.aug= augeas_stub
-            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")               
-            provider.need_to_run?.should == false       
-        end            
+            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+        end
         it "should return true when a match filter matches" do
-            resource = stub("resource", :[] => "match path size == 3")
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 3")
             provider = provider_class.new(resource)
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
             provider.aug= augeas_stub
-            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")       
-            provider.need_to_run?.should == true       
-        end       
+            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == true
+        end
         it "should return false when a match filter does not match" do
-            resource = stub("resource", :[] => "match path size == 2")
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(false).then.returns("match path size == 2")
+            provider = provider_class.new(resource)
+            augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
+            provider.aug= augeas_stub
+            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+        end
+        #This is a copy of the last one, with setting the force to true
+        it "setting force should not change the above logic" do
+            resource = stub("resource")
+            resource.stubs(:[]).returns(true).then.returns("match path size == 2")
             provider = provider_class.new(resource)
             augeas_stub = stub("augeas", :match => ["set", "of", "values"])
+            augeas_stub.stubs("close")
             provider.aug= augeas_stub
-            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")              
-            provider.need_to_run?.should == false       
-        end       
+            provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
+            provider.need_to_run?.should == false
+        end
-    describe "legacy augeas integration" do
+    describe "augeas execution integration" do
         before do
             @resource = stub("resource")
             @provider = provider_class.new(@resource)
             @augeas = stub("augeas")
             @provider.aug= @augeas
-            @provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")  
+            @provider.stubs(:get_augeas_version).returns("0.3.5")
         it "should handle set commands" do
             command = [["set", "/Jar/Jar", "Binks"]]
             context = "/some/path"
             @augeas.expects(:set).with("/some/path/Jar/Jar", "Binks")
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
         it "should handle rm commands" do
             command = [["rm", "/Jar/Jar"]]
             context = ""
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
-        end        
+        end
         it "should handle remove commands" do
             command = [["remove", "Jar/Jar"]]
             context = ""
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
-        end              
+        end
         it "should handle clear commands" do
             command = [["clear", "/Jar/Jar"]]
             context = "/foo"
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
-        end        
+        end
         it "should handle ins commands with before" do
             command = [["ins", "Binks", "before /Jar/Jar"]]
@@ -301,6 +327,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", true)
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
@@ -310,6 +337,7 @@ describe provider_class do
             @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
@@ -319,17 +347,19 @@ describe provider_class do
             @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
-        end         
+        end
         it "should handle multiple commands" do
             command = [["ins", "Binks", "after /Jar/Jar"], ["clear", "/Jar/Jar"]]
             context = "/foo"
             @augeas.expects(:insert).with("/foo/Jar/Jar", "Binks", false)
-            @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar")            
+            @augeas.expects(:clear).with("/foo/Jar/Jar")
+            @augeas.expects(:close)
             @provider.execute_changes.should == :executed
-        end    
+        end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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