[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#559198: Bug#559198: Fix dependencies? Puppetmaster 0.25.1 fails with MySQL backend and Rails 2.1

micah anderson micah at riseup.net
Wed Dec 2 21:58:03 UTC 2009

Excerpts from Eric Gerlach's message of Wed Dec 02 12:38:30 -0500 2009:

> When running puppetmaster 0.25.1-2~bpo50+1 with rails from lenny (not
> backports) and a MySQL backend, the puppetmaster fails if two clients access it
> at the same time (see
> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/browse_thread/thread/945f119c0f7eb45
> 0).
> This is fixed by upgrading to rails 2.2.

I'm using puppetmaster 0.25.1-2~bpo50+1 on my Lenny system, and the Rails from Lenny:

root at puppetmaster:/# apt-cache policy rails
  Installed: 2.1.0-7
  Candidate: 2.1.0-7

and things are working fine for me. What do you have sitting in front
of your puppetmaster? Passenger, webrick, nginx, mongrel, etc.?

> So, I think that the dependency on puppetmaster should be rails >= 2.2.

It doesn't seem to be this is the case, especially in light of the
referenced discussion below, where Luk says that 2.1 works fine...

> The issue of rails compat is being discussed here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-dev/browse_thread/thread/98807056b3f9e966

Yep, I was the one who started up that thread :)

> but regardless it's broken in Debian right now.

Well... I wouldn't say that catagorically. Its working for me, and I'm
using Debian. You are also talking about things not working because
you've pulled a package from backports.org, which isn't technically
Debian. In otherwords, if you used the Debian "official" packages, it
would not be "broken", as you state... and oddly, I'm doing the same
thing as you are and its also not broken, so we need to get a little
more information before we declare things broken and then figure out
how to fix them.

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