[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, master, updated. debian/0.24.6-1-356-g5718585
James Turnbull
james at lovedthanlost.net
Fri Jan 23 14:20:47 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit d02f95cb608e1ee5d90ac06405e354cbc0000706
Author: mh <duritong at cronopios.org>
Date: Thu Jul 3 12:08:46 2008 +0200
Fixed #1394 - Added stored configuration clearing script to /ext
index 4282f0e..454f314 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+ Fixed #1394 - Added stored configuration clearing script to /ext
Fixed #1442 - replaced use of Facter for report titling with certname
Fixed $1456 - add proxy configuration capability to yum repo
diff --git a/ext/puppetstoredconfigclean.rb b/ext/puppetstoredconfigclean.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f286df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/puppetstoredconfigclean.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Script to clean up stored configs for (a) given host(s)
+# Credits:
+# Script was taken from http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/attachment/wiki/UsingStoredConfiguration/kill_node_in_storedconfigs_db.rb
+# which haven been initially posted by James Turnbull
+# duritong adapted and improved the script a bit.
+require 'getoptlong'
+config = '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf'
+def printusage(error_code)
+ puts "Usage: #{$0} [ list of hostnames as stored in hosts table ]"
+ puts "\n Options:"
+ puts "--config <puppet config file>"
+ exit(error_code)
+opts = GetoptLong.new(
+ [ "--config", "-c", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--usage", "-u", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--version", "-v", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
+ opts.each do |opt, arg|
+ case opt
+ when "--config"
+ config = arg
+ when "--help"
+ printusage(0)
+ when "--usage"
+ printusage(0)
+ when "--version"
+ puts "%s" % Puppet.version
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption => detail
+ $stderr.puts "Try '#{$0} --help'"
+ exit(1)
+printusage(1) unless ARGV.size > 0
+require 'puppet/rails'
+Puppet[:config] = config
+pm_conf = Puppet.settings.instance_variable_get(:@values)[:puppetmasterd]
+adapter = pm_conf[:dbadapter]
+args = {:adapter => adapter, :log_level => pm_conf[:rails_loglevel]}
+case adapter
+ when "sqlite3":
+ args[:dbfile] = pm_conf[:dblocation]
+ when "mysql", "postgresql":
+ args[:host] = pm_conf[:dbserver] unless pm_conf[:dbserver].to_s.empty?
+ args[:username] = pm_conf[:dbuser] unless pm_conf[:dbuser].to_s.empty?
+ args[:password] = pm_conf[:dbpassword] unless pm_conf[:dbpassword].to_s.empty?
+ args[:database] = pm_conf[:dbname] unless pm_conf[:dbname].to_s.empty?
+ socket = pm_conf[:dbsocket]
+ args[:socket] = socket unless socket.to_s.empty?
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "Invalid db adapter %s" % adapter
+args[:database] = "puppet" unless not args[:database].to_s.empty?
+ARGV.each { |hostname|
+ if @host = Puppet::Rails::Host.find_by_name(hostname.strip)
+ print "Killing #{hostname}..."
+ $stdout.flush
+ @host.destroy
+ puts "done."
+ else
+ puts "Can't find host #{hostname}."
+ end
+exit 0
Puppet packaging for Debian
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