[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#502193: "the other end went away" puppet warnings are symptoms of a nasty bug

Robin Sheat robin at kallisti.net.nz
Mon Mar 30 07:36:26 UTC 2009

On Monday 23 March 2009 19:41:30 martin f krafft wrote:
> It's an upstream bug, to be fixed in 0.24.8. If you need a fix
> before that, one possibility is to install my backported packages
> which you can find at

Ta, although that version is showing the same bug.  I guess I just need to see 
if I can find a 0.24.8 .deb around anywhere.

Robin <robin at kallisti.net.nz> JabberID: <eythian at jabber.kallisti.net.nz>
http://www.kallisti.net.nz/blog       |||       http://identi.ca/eythian

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