[Pkg-puppet-devel] Proposed Puppet installation changes

Nigel Kersten nigelk at google.com
Tue Mar 17 15:10:18 UTC 2009

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 2:26 AM, Gary Law <gary.law at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Todd
> I'm happy to go with the majority vote on whether puppetd and/or
> puppetmasterd should move to sbin.

ditto. I think they do make more sense on OS X to be in an sbin directory.

OS X is kind of a different case as people aren't installing from a
repository like apt/rpm etc, so I haven't actually been distributing a
puppet.conf or a launchdaemon to start it or anything like that.

I've been a bit unsure what the best way to go here is, and it's
probably to have "server" and "client" packages that you install on
top of the puppet distribution with the right config files/startup

> In the case of the Solaris packages I maintain, these have to go under
> /opt/csw as I'm using the csw distribution mechanism. Similar rules will no
> doubt apply to other platform's porting systems, so fully consistent
> installs won't be possible unless we all jump ship to /opt/reductivelabs or
> similar. Nonetheless I think we should strive to be as consistent as
> possible.
> On the subject of consistency:
> Some packages are a full puppet bundle (eg Solaris); others
> are separate puppetd and puppetmasterd (eg Debian)
> Some autostart all daemons (eg Debian), some start puppetd only (eg
> Solaris), some don't start anything (eg Red Hat).
> Distros/porting systems may have 'rules' about the above which are
> fundamentally inconsistent, as is the case with install directories.
> Thanks for taking the initiative to contact us,
> Gary
> 2009/3/17 Todd Zullinger <tmz at pobox.com>
>> Greetings puppet packagers,
>> I'm Todd.  I help maintain the puppet packages for Fedora and EPEL.  I
>> found your names and addresses associated with puppet packages for
>> various Linux distributions and other operating systems.  If I've
>> included anyone mistakenly, please accept my apologies.  Likewise, if
>> there is a better address to reach the packagers of puppet for your
>> distribution/OS, I'd be happy to learn about it.
>> With that out of the way, the reason for this message is to seek your
>> opinions and help in making puppet's installation process a slight bit
>> easier for packagers and administrators.
>> The initial question I have is about the location of the system
>> binaries and scripts.  Currently, the install.rb script in the puppet
>> source release installs these in ruby's Config::CONFIG["bindir"]
>> (typically /usr/bin on linux).  On many distributions, we prefer to
>> place the daemons and other administrator binaries and scripts into
>> Config::CONFIG["sbindir"] (typically /usr/sbin).
>> I submitted a patch¹ to install several of the binaries/scripts in
>> sbindir by default (puppetca, puppetd, and puppetmasterd, and
>> puppetrun).  This matches what Debian does currently, I believe.
>> Fedora is similar, though we are currently not installing puppetca in
>> sbindir -- I think Debian is more consistent in that regard. ;)
>> I think if we improve the puppet install script such that it is usable
>> by more packagers, it might make all of our jobs just a bit easier.
>> And if we choose sane defaults, we might even end up with less
>> confusion for users who run multiple different operating systems.
>> What are your thoughts on this?  Feel free to reply to this message,
>> or join the thread on the puppet-dev list.  (The message-id, to keep
>> things threaded, is: 20090311073826.GP10507 at inocybe.teonanacatl.org)
>> Thanks for reading.  And thanks for packaging puppet!
>> ¹ This is an incomplete patch, mainly to get comments from the
>> community of users, developers, and packagers:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-dev/browse_thread/thread/e63d8964dd508bbd
>> --
>> Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Would you let the aliens land, please?  They might be here to pick me
>> up.
>>    -- Bill Hicks
> --
> Gary Law
> Email: garylaw at garylaw.net
> Chat googletalk/messenger: gary.law at gmail.com
> iChat/jabber/AIM: gary.law at mac.com

Nigel Kersten
Systems Administrator
Tech Lead - MacOps

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