[Pkg-puppet-devel] Fwd: packaging the ext bits

Nigel Kersten nigel at explanatorygap.net
Thu Nov 26 20:58:07 UTC 2009

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:49 AM, micah anderson <micah at riseup.net> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> There is a handful of useful goodies in the upstream ext/ directory. We
> are currently installing some of those bits, but not all of them.

I've been really unsure what to do about these. Are they all being actively
maintained upstream?

I'm a bit worried about using the sql scripts, as I'm not sure whether
they've been updated for the newer schema changes?

puppet-test is good, and extlookup is good. We should absolutely include
those, same for the vim/emacs stuff.

I'm unsure why we'd use the puppetlist/puppetrun scripts? Wouldn't you just
run puppetd in daemon mode and use the 'real' pupperun?

We should spark off a discussion about this on the upstream list, I have a
feeling some of these have just been orphaned...

> Right
> now we are installing:
> 1. puppetlast in puppetmaster.install
> 2. emacs/vim modes in debian/rules
> 3. logcheck in debian/rules
> We have talked in the past about breaking out the emacs/vim pieces and
> submitting them to the packages that collect and distribute those. I
> think we should do that.
> However, there are various other things in there that are useful, and
> I'd like to outline them below and propose to install them in different
> ways. I'm planning on doing the ones that I propose below, however, I'm
> interested in feedback, suggestions or disagreements before proceeding:
> ext/bin/sleeper
> ---------------
> comment from the top reads: # sleep indefinitely as a debug. I dont know
> what this is and unless someone figures it out, I would suggest we dont
> install it
> ext/dbfix.sql
> -------------
> this supposedly will clean up and fix Mysql stored config databases. i'd
> suggest adding this to the puppetmaster package. perhaps as an example
> file?
> ext/extlookup.rb
> ----------------
> this is a useful external data sources function, I'd like to have this
> installed, would only be useful on the puppetmaster, I'd propose
> installing it in /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/parser/functions/
> ext/ldap/puppet.schema
> ----------------------
> presumably this is a LDAP schema that some might find useful. perhaps
> install it in the puppetmaster package as an example?
> ext/module_puppet
> -----------------
> comment from the top of the file says: # Run a +puppet+ script as a
> cfengine module.  I'm not sure where this would be useful, but perhaps
> in the puppet package as an example?
> ext/puppetlisten/puppetlisten.rb
> ---------------------------------
> comment from the top of the file reads: # this is a daemon which accepts
> non standard (within puppet normal intervals) puppet configruation run
> request. my guess here is that this would go in puppet.examples
> ext/puppetlisten/puppetrun.rb
> -----------------------------
> comment from the top reads: # this scripts calls a client and ask him to
> trigger a puppetd run uses # SSL for communication based on the puppet
> infrastructure the client # allows access based on the namespaceauth. my
> guess with this one is that it belongs in puppetmaster.examples
> ext/puppetstoredconfigclean.rb
> ------------------------------
> this script is useful to clean out, from the database, the stored
> configuration information for a particular node. you want to do this
> when a node has been decommissioned, if you dont then it will continue
> to show up on your munin/nagios/ssh or whatever stored configuration
> generated nodes
> ext/puppet-test
> ---------------
> comment reads:
> # Test individual client performance.  Can compile configurations, describe
> # files, or retrieve files.
> This appears to be a puppet.examples install.
> ext/rack
> --------
> this contains the pieces needed to run puppetmaster as a rack-based
> application. for example with passenger/mongrel etc. I propose to
> install this as a puppetmaster.examples set of files
> ps - I just uploaded a backport of the 0.25.1-2 package to backports.org,
> now
> that it has migrated to testing.
> --- End forwarded message ---
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