[Pkg-puppet-devel] Monday, September 07. 2009 !

Vodafone Group INC ! vdgp at vidaconnect.com
Mon Sep 7 14:01:57 UTC 2009

  Ref:    VF2010WCP
 Code: 92337-483-40300-340232
 Sum: Five Hundred And Twenty Thousand Euro Only (EUR 520,000: 00)
 This promotion is a one time programmer and no tickets were sold for
this draw because the draw is to promote the sponsoreship bid as the
official communication network for the 2010 World Cup. We hope that
this notice sent to you via the Internet will get to you on time to
process your claims from our authorized agent zoned. Contact your
Agent in Italy via the email address Or Tel/Fax given to you which
will enable you claim it immediately. Include your above Code in your
 Mrs. Anna V. Castello
 Email: vodainfo at gmail.it               
 Tel/Fax:  0955900763
 Copyright (c) 2009 Vodafone Group|; Privacy & P.IVA...........  
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