[Pkg-puppet-devel] Packaging workflow (was: developing the 0.25.0 debs...)

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at fnord.no
Tue Sep 8 15:10:09 UTC 2009

Nigel Kersten <nigel at explanatorygap.net> writes:

> So in 0.24.x we merged the upstream branch in and added the debian/*
> stuff to it.
> I'm tempted to say that given the weight of code on the upstream side
> compared to ours, that we do the same thing, losing history on our
> debian/* files rather than 0.25.x

You can export the commits to the debian/ directory as a series of
patches with "git format-patch", and import them with "git am", thereby
keeping the commit history of this directory.  

If the upstream 0.25.x is merged/pulled/whatever as the "upstream"
branch, tagged as "upstream/0.25.0", and then merged to master, the
debian/ directory patches can be added to master, keeping both
histories, and making sure git-buildpackage works without too many magic

> We've yet to work out a good patch approval workflow, and it doesn't
> seem like we're the only ones.

Looks likely, yes.

> I've been thinking that we should start mimicing upstream puppet, and
> using git format-patch and git send-email and doing approval on the
> emailed patches maybe?

Looks like it works, yes.

> Otherwise we could have people make branches for specific issues, and
> have someone else merge them into the main branch as a form of
> approval.

The format-patch / send-email would be easier, we'll need discussion
from time to time as well.  If needed, a patchwork webapp could be set
up somewhere (like on http://patchwork.kernel.org/, it just subscribes
to a mailing list, and displays received patches)

> This is probably a big enough topic to warrant its own thread...


Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend

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