[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#545975: Bug#545975: puppet: please provide "status" target in init-script

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Thu Sep 10 14:03:40 UTC 2009

tags 545975 + confirmed

Christian Hofstaedtler <ch+debian at zeha.at> writes:

> the init script currently has no "status" target/action, therefore
> making it less than ideal for use with puppet's service type, i.e. the
> following won't work:
> service { "puppet":
>   ensure => running,
>   hasstatus => true,
> }
> Please consider this for the next release.

Good idea.  I've written this for my own use, but it is yet to be
committed to the puppet packaging repo.  I'll get it done.

Note that using puppet to make sure puppet runs may prove "interesting"
regarding interactive use.  It's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot
there.  Use with care.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend

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