[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 2.6.1rc1-141-gcdb2b90
Markus Roberts
Markus at reality.com
Mon Aug 16 12:48:28 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 13c71b97d93edf033897dc09093861f68c9dd23a
Author: Jesse Wolfe <jes5199 at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 23 13:59:40 2010 -0700
extlookup() is a builtin
This patch promotes extlookup() to being a builtin function.
It also adds test and makes some minor tweaks to the code.
The behavior of extlookup has been left unchanged.
diff --git a/ext/extlookup.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
similarity index 92%
rename from ext/extlookup.rb
rename to lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
index d87583b..ee230e7 100644
--- a/ext/extlookup.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ require 'csv'
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:extlookup, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
key = args[0]
- default = "_ExtUNSET_"
- datafile = "_ExtUNSET_"
- default = args[1] if args[1]
- datafile = args[2] if args[2]
+ default = args[1]
+ datafile = args[2]
+ raise Puppet::ParseError, ("extlookup(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be <= 3)") if args.length > 3
extlookup_datadir = lookupvar('extlookup_datadir')
extlookup_precedence = Array.new
@@ -123,12 +123,13 @@ module Puppet::Parser::Functions
datafiles << extlookup_datadir + "/#{d}.csv"
- desired = "_ExtUNSET_"
+ desired = nil
datafiles.each do |file|
+ parser = Puppet::Parser::Parser.new(environment)
parser.watch_file(file) if File.exists?(file)
- if desired == "_ExtUNSET_"
+ if desired.nil?
if File.exists?(file)
result = CSV.read(file).find_all do |r|
r[0] == key
@@ -167,15 +168,6 @@ module Puppet::Parser::Functions
- # don't accidently return nil's and such rather throw a parse error
- if desired == "_ExtUNSET_" && default == "_ExtUNSET_"
- raise Puppet::ParseError, "No match found for '#{key}' in any data file during extlookup()"
- else
- desired = default if desired == "_ExtUNSET_"
- end
- desired
+ desired || default or raise Puppet::ParseError, "No match found for '#{key}' in any data file during extlookup()"
-# vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:ai
diff --git a/spec/unit/parser/functions/extlookup_spec.rb b/spec/unit/parser/functions/extlookup_spec.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf28803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/unit/parser/functions/extlookup_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../../spec_helper'
+require 'tempfile'
+describe "the extlookup function" do
+ before :each do
+ @scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new
+ @scope.stubs(:environment).returns(Puppet::Node::Environment.new('production'))
+ end
+ it "should exist" do
+ Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("extlookup").should == "function_extlookup"
+ end
+ it "should raise a ParseError if there is less than 1 arguments" do
+ lambda { @scope.function_extlookup([]) }.should( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError))
+ end
+ it "should raise a ParseError if there is more than 3 arguments" do
+ lambda { @scope.function_extlookup(["foo", "bar", "baz", "gazonk"]) }.should( raise_error(Puppet::ParseError))
+ end
+ it "should return the default" do
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key", "default"])
+ result.should == "default"
+ end
+ it "should lookup the key in a supplied datafile" do
+ t = Tempfile.new('extlookup.csv') do
+ t.puts 'key,value'
+ t.puts 'nonkey,nonvalue'
+ t.close
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key", "default", t.path])
+ result.should == "value"
+ end
+ end
+ it "should return an array if the datafile contains more than two columns" do
+ t = Tempfile.new('extlookup.csv') do
+ t.puts 'key,value1,value2'
+ t.puts 'nonkey,nonvalue,nonvalue'
+ t.close
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key", "default", t.path])
+ result.should == ["value1", "value2"]
+ end
+ end
+ it "should raise an error if there's no matching key and no default" do
+ t = Tempfile.new('extlookup.csv') do
+ t.puts 'key,value'
+ t.puts 'nonkey,nonvalue'
+ t.close
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key", nil, t.path])
+ result.should == "value"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "should look in $extlookup_datadir for data files listed by $extlookup_precedence" do
+ before do
+ @scope.stubs(:lookupvar).with('extlookup_datadir').returns("/tmp")
+ @scope.stubs(:lookupvar).with('extlookup_precedence').returns(["one","two"])
+ File.open("/tmp/one.csv","w"){|one| one.puts "key,value1" }
+ File.open("/tmp/two.csv","w") do |two|
+ two.puts "key,value2"
+ two.puts "key2,value_two"
+ end
+ end
+ it "when the key is in the first file" do
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key" ])
+ result.should == "value1"
+ end
+ it "when the key is in the second file" do
+ result = @scope.function_extlookup([ "key2" ])
+ result.should == "value_two"
+ end
+ end
Puppet packaging for Debian
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