[Pkg-puppet-devel] ruby.1.8.7 p 249 problems...

Nigel Kersten nigel at explanatorygap.net
Sun Feb 14 17:30:24 UTC 2010

On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 9:13 AM, micah anderson <micah at riseup.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 08:58:55 -0800, Nigel Kersten <nigel at explanatorygap.net> wrote:
>> We started seeing this on the Ubuntu Lucid Alphas, and I'm just
>> redoing my debian unstable install now to check.
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby1.8/+bug/520715
>> Are those of you with debian unstable seeing similar issues as well?
> Thanks for sending this along. I haven't seen this hang yet, but it
> seems to be only produced in a very specific case that the original
> submitter hasn't specified yet.
> On a side note, the bug log led me to
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-karmic-puppet-integration
> which was interesting, (if somewhat incomprehensible). In particular,
> this part made my eyebrows raise:
>> Google's use helped puppet to scale. Took over Debian maintainance to
>> push it faster to Ubuntu.
> A lot of this page seems like heresy and anecdotal, and I'm not sure how
> the page was generated, but this 'took over' language is curious and I
> wonder where it comes from.

That looks to me to be a summary of a UDS session Andy was at for
Karmic in Barcelona.  It's not a rigorous design document, it's a
summary of a conversation.

I'm sure I can speak for Andy as well here when I say that he and I as
the Google contingent here don't consider that we "took over" Debian
maintenance in Puppet at all.  We got involved after we noticed
upstream lagging a bit and it looked like more people were needed.
That's all.

I feel like we have a supportive and friendly collaborative
environment going on in pkg-puppet-devel, and I like it a lot.

I absolutely got involved with this group because I initially only
really cared about Puppet in Ubuntu.

Andy can probably attest that as this group has progressed I've become
much more interested in the inner workings of Debian itself outside of
Puppet, and am hoping to get more involved with some other projects
and aim towards DD this year.

I think this is a good thing and demonstrates a healthy side of the
Debian/Ubuntu relationship.

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