[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#571127: Bug#571127: etckeeper integration with puppet pre/post commit hooks

micah anderson micah at riseup.net
Wed Feb 24 23:15:22 UTC 2010


Thanks for submitting these ubuntu bugs!

On Tue, 23 Feb 2010 13:00:22 -0500, Mathias Gug <mathiaz at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> *** /tmp/tmpc9TUKP
> In Ubuntu, we've applied the attached patch to achieve the following:
>   * etckeeper integration (server-lucid-puppet-etckeeper-integration):
>     - debian/etckeeper-commit-post, debian/etckeeper-commit-pre:
>       + Call "etckeeper commit" before and after catalog runs.
>         Silently bail out if etckeeper is not available.
>     - debian/puppet.conf:
>       + Call out to the etckeeper hooks using the new prerun_command,
>         and postrun_command hooks.
>     - debian/rules:
>       + Install the etckeeper hook scripts in /etc/puppet.
> We thought you might be interested in doing the same. 

this functionality exists in puppet already with the
clientbucket/filebucket (and I might even suggest is better because you
can ship things offsite)... but I guess some people might want to use
etckeeper for this purpose. I admit, it is an interesting idea.

I cannot think of a scenario where someone might have etckeeper
installed, but not want this to happen after every puppet run, but do
you have any idea what happens if etckeeper is installed, but 'etckeeper
init' has not been run?

What about a Suggests: etckeeper in debian/control? I didn't see that in
the patch, or any information in a README that indicates that someone
could use etckeeper with the package. The missing documentation makes me
feel like this is too much of a hidden feature, a simple one or two
lines in the README.Debian would suffice IMHO.


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