[Pkg-puppet-devel] Uploaded to backports.org

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Sun Feb 28 20:02:15 UTC 2010

micah <micah at riseup.net> writes:

> Now that testing migration has completed, I backported for lenny and
> uploaded to backports.org. Its stuck in NEW, due to the new binary
> packages, but should be available soon.

Nice! Getting that into backports should make a lot of people happy. :)

Aaaand on that note, all you need is:

,----[ X-Bonus-Puppet-Manifest: ]
| define repository::aptrepo ( $ensure="present", $type="deb", $baseurl,
|                              $codename=$lsbdistcodename, $sections ) {
|     case $lsbdistcodename {
|         "sarge": {
|             err("[$fqdn] No support for aptrepo on sarge")
|         }
|         default: {
|             file { "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/$name.list":
|                 ensure  => $ensure,
|                 owner   => root,
|                 group   => root,
|                 mode    => 444,
|                 content => "# Generated by puppet\n$type $baseurl $codename $sections\n",
|                 notify  => Exec["apt-get update"]
|             }
|         }
|     }
| }
| # snip, cut, foo, bar, etc....
|     repository::aptrepo{"lenny-backports":
|         baseurl  => "http://backports.org/debian",
|         codename => "lenny-backports",
|         sections => "main contrib non-free"
|     }

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
                      ooo, shiny!
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