[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. puppet-0.24.5-rc3-1601-gf8c1b08

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Fri Jan 15 09:07:20 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 0ac0ce9a2372d21983e085f913af32376fc15d13
Author: Steven Jenkins <steven at endpoint.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 25 20:41:11 2009 -0400

    Implement tasks for git-based workflow.

diff --git a/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake b/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f96c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/rake/git_workflow.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# This set of tasks helps automate the workflow as described on
+# http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/Development/DevelopmentLifecycle
+def find_start(start)
+# This is a case statement, as we might want to map certain
+# git tags to starting points that are not currently in git.
+	case start
+		when nil?:
+		when @next_release: return "master"
+		else return start
+	end
+desc "Set up git for working with Puppet"
+task :git_setup do
+	# This should be changed as new versions get released
+	@next_release = '0.26.x'
+	@remote = {}
+	default_remote = {}
+	default_remote[:url] = 'git://github.com/reductivelabs/puppet'
+	default_remote[:name] = 'origin'
+	@remote[:name] = %x{git config puppet.defaultremote}.chomp
+	@remote[:name] = @remote[:name].empty? ? default_remote[:name] : @remote[:name]
+	@remote[:url] = default_remote[:url] if @remote[:name] == default_remote[:name]
+	default_fetch = '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/puppet/*'
+	@remote[:fetch] = %x{git config puppet.#{@remote[:name]}.fetch}.chomp
+	@remote[:fetch] = @remote[:fetch].empty? ?  default_fetch : @remote[:fetch]
+desc "Start work on a feature"
+task :start_feature, [:feature,:remote,:branch] => :git_setup do |t, args|
+	args.with_defaults(:remote => @remote[:name])
+	args.with_defaults(:branch => @next_release)
+	start_at = find_start(args.branch)
+	branch = "feature/#{start_at}/#{args.feature}"
+	sh "git checkout -b #{branch} #{start_at}" do |ok, res|
+		if ! ok
+			raise <<EOS
+Was not able to create branch for #{args.feature} on branch #{args.branch}, starting at #{start_at}: error code was: #{res.exitstatus}
+		end
+	end
+	sh "git config branch.#{branch}.remote #{args.remote}" do |ok, res|
+		raise "Could not set remote: #{$?}" unless ok
+	end
+	sh "git config branch.#{branch}.merge refs/heads/#{branch}" do |ok, res|
+		raise "Could not configure merge: #{$?}" unless ok
+	end
+desc "Do git prep to start work on a Redmine ticket"
+task :start_ticket, [:ticket, :remote, :branch] => :git_setup do |t, args|
+	args.with_defaults(:remote => @remote[:name])
+	args.with_defaults(:branch => @next_release)
+	start_at = find_start(args.branch)
+	branch = "tickets/#{start_at}/#{args.ticket}"
+	sh "git checkout -b #{branch} #{start_at}" do |ok, res|
+		unless ok
+			raise <<EOS
+Was not able to create branch for ticket #{args.ticket} on branch #{args.branch}, starting at #{start_at}: error code was: #{$?}
+Git command used was: #{command}
+		end
+	end
+    sh "git config branch.#{branch}.remote #{args.remote}" do |ok, res|
+    	raise "Could not set remote: #{$?}" unless ok
+	end
+    sh "git config branch.#{branch}.merge refs/heads/#{branch}" do |ok, res|
+    	raise "Could not configure merge: #{$?}" unless ok
+	end
+# This isn't very useful by itself, but we might enhance it later, or use it
+# in a dependency for a more complex task.
+desc "Push out changes"
+task :push_changes, [:remote] do |t, arg|
+	branch = %x{git branch | grep "^" | awk '{print $2}'}
+	sh "git push #{arg.remote} #{branch}" do |ok, res|
+		raise "Unable to push to #{arg.remote}" unless ok
+	end
+desc "Send patch information to the puppet-dev list"
+task :mail_patches do
+    if Dir.glob("00*.patch").length > 0
+        raise "Patches already exist matching '00*.patch'; clean up first"
+    end
+    unless %x{git status} =~ /On branch (.+)/
+        raise "Could not get branch from 'git status'"
+    end
+    branch = $1
+    unless branch =~ %r{^([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)$}
+        raise "Branch name does not follow <type>/<parent>/<name> model; cannot autodetect parent branch"
+    end
+    type, parent, name = $1, $2, $3
+    # Create all of the patches
+    sh "git format-patch -C -M -s -n --subject-prefix='PATCH/puppet' #{parent}..HEAD"
+    # And then mail them out.
+    # If we've got more than one patch, add --compose
+    if Dir.glob("00*.patch").length > 1
+        compose = "--compose"
+    else
+        compose = ""
+    end
+    # Now send the mail.
+    sh "git send-email #{compose} --no-signed-off-by-cc --suppress-from --to puppet-dev at googlegroups.com 00*.patch"
+    # Finally, clean up the patches
+    sh "rm 00*.patch"
diff --git a/tasks/rake/mail_patches.rake b/tasks/rake/mail_patches.rake
deleted file mode 100644
index 82455e8..0000000
--- a/tasks/rake/mail_patches.rake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-desc "Send patch information to the puppet-dev list"
-task :mail_patches do
-    if Dir.glob("00*.patch").length > 0
-        raise "Patches already exist matching '00*.patch'; clean up first"
-    end
-    unless %x{git status} =~ /On branch (.+)/
-        raise "Could not get branch from 'git status'"
-    end
-    branch = $1
-    unless branch =~ %r{^([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)/([^\/]+)$}
-        raise "Branch name does not follow <type>/<parent>/<name> model; cannot autodetect parent branch"
-    end
-    type, parent, name = $1, $2, $3
-    # Create all of the patches
-    sh "git format-patch -C -M -s -n --subject-prefix='PATCH/puppet' #{parent}..HEAD"
-    # And then mail them out.
-    # If we've got more than one patch, add --compose
-    if Dir.glob("00*.patch").length > 1
-        compose = "--compose"
-    else
-        compose = ""
-    end
-    # Now send the mail.
-    sh "git send-email #{compose} --no-signed-off-by-cc --suppress-from --to puppet-dev at googlegroups.com 00*.patch"
-    # Finally, clean up the patches
-    sh "rm 00*.patch"

Puppet packaging for Debian

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