[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. puppet-0.24.5-rc3-1601-gf8c1b08

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Fri Jan 15 09:07:27 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 9a41c35a5160dbba10ec00f3ed45bafad3ebd06a
Author: Jesse Wolfe <jes5199 at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Nov 24 09:09:07 2009 -0800

    Fixing #2791 fs_find should follow symlinks
    Symlinks confuse the "What file system am I on?" logic. This patch just
    runs the paths through a beefed up version of the standard 'realpath'
    Includes some of Markus's suggested changes.
    Signed-off-by: Jesse Wolfe <jes5199 at gmail.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/selinux.rb b/lib/puppet/util/selinux.rb
index 25d86f7..3eff039 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/selinux.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/selinux.rb
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ rescue LoadError
     # Nothing
+require 'pathname'
 module Puppet::Util::SELinux
     def selinux_support?
@@ -185,9 +187,19 @@ module Puppet::Util::SELinux
         return mntpoint
+    def realpath(path)
+        path, rest = Pathname.new(path), []
+        path, rest = path.dirname, [path.basename] + rest while ! path.exist?
+        File.join( path.realpath, *rest )
+    end
+    def parent_directory(path)
+        Pathname.new(path).dirname.to_s
+    end
     # Internal helper function to return which type of filesystem a
     # given file path resides on
-    def find_fs(file)
+    def find_fs(path)
         unless mnts = read_mounts()
             return nil
@@ -198,13 +210,12 @@ module Puppet::Util::SELinux
         # Just in case: return something if you're down to "/" or ""
         # Remove the last slash and everything after it,
         #   and repeat with that as the file for the next loop through.
-        ary = file.split('/')
-        while not ary.empty? do
-            path = ary.join('/')
+        path = realpath(path)
+        while not path.empty? do
             if mnts.has_key?(path)
                 return mnts[path]
-            ary.pop
+            path = parent_directory(path)
         return mnts['/']
diff --git a/spec/unit/util/selinux.rb b/spec/unit/util/selinux.rb
index 2a9a418..7e6cdaf 100755
--- a/spec/unit/util/selinux.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/util/selinux.rb
@@ -61,6 +61,42 @@ describe Puppet::Util::SELinux do
             selinux_label_support?('/mnt/nfs/testfile').should be_false
+        it "should follow symlinks when determining file systems" do
+            self.stubs(:realpath).with('/mnt/symlink/testfile').returns('/mnt/nfs/dest/testfile')
+            selinux_label_support?('/mnt/symlink/testfile').should be_false
+        end
+    end
+    describe "realpath" do
+        it "should handle files that don't exist" do
+            # Since I'm stubbing Pathname.new for this test, 
+            # I need to also stub the internal calls to Pathname.new,
+            # which happen in Pathname.dirname and Parthname.basename
+            # I want those to return real Pathname objects,
+            # so I'm creating them before the stub is in place.
+            realpaths = Hash.new {|hash, path| hash[path] = Pathname.new(path) }
+            paths = ['symlink', '/mnt']
+            paths.each { |path| realpaths[path] }
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink'] = stubs "Pathname"
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink'].stubs(:realpath).returns(realpaths['/mnt/nfs/dest'])
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink'].stubs(:exist?).returns(true)
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink/nonexistant'] = stubs "Pathname"
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink/nonexistant'].stubs(:realpath).raises(Errno::ENOENT)
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink/nonexistant'].stubs(:exist?).returns(false)
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink/nonexistant'].stubs(:dirname).returns(realpaths['/mnt/symlink'])
+            realpaths['/mnt/symlink/nonexistant'].stubs(:basename).returns(realpaths['nonexistant'])
+            realpaths.each do |path, value|
+                Pathname.stubs(:new).with(path).returns(value)
+            end
+            realpath('/mnt/symlink/nonexistant').should == '/mnt/nfs/dest/nonexistant'
+        end
     describe "get_selinux_current_context" do

Puppet packaging for Debian

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