[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. puppet-0.24.5-rc3-1601-gf8c1b08

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Fri Jan 15 09:08:36 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 5c6f07b404e946266b33f08855116f7bb1a1800c
Author: Ricky Zhou <ricky at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 31 12:07:24 2009 -0500

    Use a pipe instead of a temp file for command output.
    This solves some SELinux issues with programs such as mount being denied
    from writing to temporary files and removes a race condition with
    temporary file creation.

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util.rb b/lib/puppet/util.rb
index 21573d1..cc2822f 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util.rb
@@ -259,39 +259,53 @@ module Util
         @@os ||= Facter.value(:operatingsystem)
         output = nil
         child_pid, child_status = nil
-        # There are problems with read blocking with badly behaved children
-        # read.partialread doesn't seem to capture either stdout or stderr
-        # We hack around this using a temporary file
-        # The idea here is to avoid IO#read whenever possible.
-        output_file="/dev/null"
-        error_file="/dev/null"
-        if ! arguments[:squelch]
-            require "tempfile"
-            output_file = Tempfile.new("puppet")
-            if arguments[:combine]
-                error_file=output_file
-            end
-        end
+        output_read, output_write = IO.pipe
         oldverb = $VERBOSE
         $VERBOSE = nil
         child_pid = Kernel.fork
         $VERBOSE = oldverb
         if child_pid
+            output_write.close
+            # Read output in if required
+            if ! arguments[:squelch]
+                output = ''
+                begin
+                    loop do
+                        output << output_read.readpartial(4096)
+                    end
+                rescue EOFError
+                    # End of file
+                ensure
+                    output_read.close
+                end
+            end
             # Parent process executes this
-            child_status = (Process.waitpid2(child_pid)[1]).to_i >> 8
+            Process.waitpid(child_pid)
+            child_status = $?.exitstatus
             # Child process executes this
+                output_read.close
                 if arguments[:stdinfile]
-                    $stdin.reopen("/dev/null")
+                    $stdin.close
+                end
+                if arguments[:squelch]
+                    $stdout.close
+                else
+                    $stdout.reopen(output_write)
+                end
+                if arguments[:combine]
+                    $stderr.reopen(output_write)
+                else
+                    $stderr.close
-                $stdout.reopen(output_file)
-                $stderr.reopen(error_file)
                 3.upto(256){|fd| IO::new(fd).close rescue nil}
                 if arguments[:gid]
@@ -303,42 +317,10 @@ module Util
                     Process.uid = arguments[:uid] unless @@os == "Darwin"
                 ENV['LANG'] = ENV['LC_ALL'] = ENV['LC_MESSAGES'] = ENV['LANGUAGE'] = 'C'
-                if command.is_a?(Array)
-                    Kernel.exec(*command)
-                else
-                    Kernel.exec(command)
-                end
+                Kernel.exec(*command)
             rescue => detail
-                puts detail.to_s
-                exit!(1)
-            end # begin; rescue
-        end # if child_pid
-        # read output in if required
-        if ! arguments[:squelch]
-            # Make sure the file's actually there.  This is
-            # basically a race condition, and is probably a horrible
-            # way to handle it, but, well, oh well.
-            unless FileTest.exists?(output_file.path)
-                Puppet.warning "sleeping"
-                sleep 0.5
-                unless FileTest.exists?(output_file.path)
-                    Puppet.warning "sleeping 2"
-                    sleep 1
-                    unless FileTest.exists?(output_file.path)
-                        Puppet.warning "Could not get output"
-                        output = ""
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            unless output
-                # We have to explicitly open here, so that it reopens
-                # after the child writes.
-                output = output_file.open.read
-                # The 'true' causes the file to get unlinked right away.
-                output_file.close(true)
+                puts detail
+                exit(1)
@@ -348,7 +330,7 @@ module Util
-        return output
+        output
     module_function :execute

Puppet packaging for Debian

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