[Pkg-puppet-devel] Ready to cut puppet 0.25.3-1

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Tue Jan 19 09:55:59 UTC 2010

I think we're ready to release 0.25.3-1.  Do any of you have anything
you would like to do before I tag and upload?

Upgrading a lenny host from 0.24.5-3 to 0.25.3-1 works.

Upgrading a lenny host from 0.25.1-2~bpo50+1 to 0.25.3-1 works.

A noticeable change for a lenny node is that puppetd will not start at
boot.  The user is notified of this at the console when installing, and
it is also documented in puppet/NEWS.debian

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
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