[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:30:29 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 379ac8fe91d25f9b77a47029484d60c09b8f8073
Author: Luke Kanies <luke at madstop.com>
Date:   Sun Jul 5 23:10:02 2009 -0700

    Moving log destination code into separate files
    Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <luke at madstop.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
index 90d7229..997aa18 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 require 'syslog'
 require 'puppet/util/tagging'
+require 'puppet/util/classgen'
 # Pass feedback to the user.  Log levels are modeled after syslog's, and it is
 # expected that that will be the most common log destination.  Supports
 # multiple destinations, one of which is a remote server.
 class Puppet::Util::Log
     include Puppet::Util
+    extend Puppet::Util::ClassGen
     include Puppet::Util::Tagging
     @levels = [:debug,:info,:notice,:warning,:err,:alert,:emerg,:crit]
@@ -13,58 +15,9 @@ class Puppet::Util::Log
     @desttypes = {}
-    # A type of log destination.
-    class Destination
-        class << self
-            attr_accessor :name
-        end
-        def self.initvars
-            @matches = []
-        end
-        # Mark the things we're supposed to match.
-        def self.match(obj)
-            @matches ||= []
-            @matches << obj
-        end
-        # See whether we match a given thing.
-        def self.match?(obj)
-            # Convert single-word strings into symbols like :console and :syslog
-            if obj.is_a? String and obj =~ /^\w+$/
-                obj = obj.downcase.intern
-            end
-            @matches.each do |thing|
-                # Search for direct matches or class matches
-                return true if thing === obj or thing == obj.class.to_s
-            end
-            return false
-        end
-        def name
-            if defined? @name
-                return @name
-            else
-                return self.class.name
-            end
-        end
-        # Set how to handle a message.
-        def self.sethandler(&block)
-            define_method(:handle, &block)
-        end
-        # Mark how to initialize our object.
-        def self.setinit(&block)
-            define_method(:initialize, &block)
-        end
-    end
     # Create a new destination type.
     def self.newdesttype(name, options = {}, &block)
-        dest = genclass(name, :parent => Destination, :prefix => "Dest",
+        dest = genclass(name, :parent => Puppet::Util::Log::Destination, :prefix => "Dest",
             :block => block,
             :hash => @desttypes,
             :attributes => options
@@ -74,6 +27,9 @@ class Puppet::Util::Log
         return dest
+    require 'puppet/util/log/destination'
+    require 'puppet/util/log/destinations'
     @destinations = {}
     class << self
@@ -167,232 +123,6 @@ class Puppet::Util::Log
-    newdesttype :syslog do
-        def close
-            Syslog.close
-        end
-        def initialize
-            if Syslog.opened?
-                Syslog.close
-            end
-            name = Puppet[:name]
-            name = "puppet-#{name}" unless name =~ /puppet/
-            options = Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_NDELAY
-            # XXX This should really be configurable.
-            str = Puppet[:syslogfacility]
-            begin
-                facility = Syslog.const_get("LOG_#{str.upcase}")
-            rescue NameError
-                raise Puppet::Error, "Invalid syslog facility %s" % str
-            end
-            @syslog = Syslog.open(name, options, facility)
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            # XXX Syslog currently has a bug that makes it so you
-            # cannot log a message with a '%' in it.  So, we get rid
-            # of them.
-            if msg.source == "Puppet"
-                @syslog.send(msg.level, msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%'))
-            else
-                @syslog.send(msg.level, "(%s) %s" %
-                    [msg.source.to_s.gsub("%", ""),
-                        msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%')
-                    ]
-                )
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    newdesttype :file do
-        match(/^\//)
-        def close
-            if defined? @file
-                @file.close
-                @file = nil
-            end
-        end
-        def flush
-            if defined? @file
-                @file.flush
-            end
-        end
-        def initialize(path)
-            @name = path
-            # first make sure the directory exists
-            # We can't just use 'Config.use' here, because they've
-            # specified a "special" destination.
-            unless FileTest.exist?(File.dirname(path))
-                Puppet.recmkdir(File.dirname(path))
-                Puppet.info "Creating log directory %s" % File.dirname(path)
-            end
-            # create the log file, if it doesn't already exist
-            file = File.open(path, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND)
-            @file = file
-            @autoflush = Puppet[:autoflush]
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            @file.puts("%s %s (%s): %s" %
-                [msg.time, msg.source, msg.level, msg.to_s])
-            @file.flush if @autoflush
-        end
-    end
-    newdesttype :console do
-        RED     = {:console => "", :html => "FFA0A0"}
-        GREEN   = {:console => "", :html => "00CD00"}
-        YELLOW  = {:console => "", :html => "FFFF60"}
-        BLUE    = {:console => "", :html => "80A0FF"}
-        PURPLE  = {:console => "", :html => "FFA500"}
-        CYAN    = {:console => "", :html => "40FFFF"}
-        WHITE   = {:console => "", :html => "FFFFFF"}
-        HRED    = {:console => "", :html => "FFA0A0"}
-        HGREEN  = {:console => "", :html => "00CD00"}
-        HYELLOW = {:console => "", :html => "FFFF60"}
-        HBLUE   = {:console => "", :html => "80A0FF"}
-        HPURPLE = {:console => "", :html => "FFA500"}
-        HCYAN   = {:console => "", :html => "40FFFF"}
-        HWHITE  = {:console => "", :html => "FFFFFF"}
-        RESET   = {:console => "",    :html => ""      }
-        @@colormap = {
-            :debug => WHITE,
-            :info => GREEN,
-            :notice => CYAN,
-            :warning => YELLOW,
-            :err => HPURPLE,
-            :alert => RED,
-            :emerg => HRED,
-            :crit => HRED
-        }
-        def colorize(level, str)
-            case Puppet[:color]
-            when true, :ansi, "ansi", :yes, "yes"; console_color(level, str)
-            when :html, "html"; html_color(level, str)
-            else str
-            end
-        end
-        def console_color(level, str)
-            @@colormap[level][:console] + str + RESET[:console]
-        end
-        def html_color(level, str)
-            %{<span style="color: %s">%s</span>} % [@@colormap[level][:html], str]
-        end
-        def initialize
-            # Flush output immediately.
-            $stdout.sync = true
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            if msg.source == "Puppet"
-                puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.to_s])
-            else
-                puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.source, msg.to_s])
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    newdesttype :host do
-        def initialize(host)
-            Puppet.info "Treating %s as a hostname" % host
-            args = {}
-            if host =~ /:(\d+)/
-                args[:Port] = $1
-                args[:Server] = host.sub(/:\d+/, '')
-            else
-                args[:Server] = host
-            end
-            @name = host
-            @driver = Puppet::Network::Client::LogClient.new(args)
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            unless msg.is_a?(String) or msg.remote
-                unless defined? @hostname
-                    @hostname = Facter["hostname"].value
-                end
-                unless defined? @domain
-                    @domain = Facter["domain"].value
-                    if @domain
-                        @hostname += "." + @domain
-                    end
-                end
-                if msg.source =~ /^\//
-                    msg.source = @hostname + ":" + msg.source
-                elsif msg.source == "Puppet"
-                    msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source
-                else
-                    msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source
-                end
-                begin
-                    #puts "would have sent %s" % msg
-                    #puts "would have sent %s" %
-                    #    CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg))
-                    begin
-                        tmp = CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg))
-                    rescue => detail
-                        puts "Could not dump: %s" % detail.to_s
-                        return
-                    end
-                    # Add the hostname to the source
-                    @driver.addlog(tmp)
-                rescue => detail
-                    if Puppet[:trace]
-                        puts detail.backtrace
-                    end
-                    Puppet.err detail
-                    Puppet::Util::Log.close(self)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    # Log to a transaction report.
-    newdesttype :report do
-        match "Puppet::Transaction::Report"
-        def initialize(report)
-            @report = report
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            @report.newlog(msg)
-        end
-    end
-    # Log to an array, just for testing.
-    newdesttype :array do
-        match "Array"
-        def initialize(array)
-            @array = array
-        end
-        def handle(msg)
-            @array << msg
-        end
-    end
     # Create a new log destination.
     def Log.newdestination(dest)
         # Each destination can only occur once.
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log/destination.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log/destination.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8595907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/log/destination.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# A type of log destination.
+class Puppet::Util::Log::Destination
+    class << self
+        attr_accessor :name
+    end
+    def self.initvars
+        @matches = []
+    end
+    # Mark the things we're supposed to match.
+    def self.match(obj)
+        @matches ||= []
+        @matches << obj
+    end
+    # See whether we match a given thing.
+    def self.match?(obj)
+        # Convert single-word strings into symbols like :console and :syslog
+        if obj.is_a? String and obj =~ /^\w+$/
+            obj = obj.downcase.intern
+        end
+        @matches.each do |thing|
+            # Search for direct matches or class matches
+            return true if thing === obj or thing == obj.class.to_s
+        end
+        return false
+    end
+    def name
+        if defined? @name
+            return @name
+        else
+            return self.class.name
+        end
+    end
+    # Set how to handle a message.
+    def self.sethandler(&block)
+        define_method(:handle, &block)
+    end
+    # Mark how to initialize our object.
+    def self.setinit(&block)
+        define_method(:initialize, &block)
+    end
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40e41c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :syslog do
+    def close
+        Syslog.close
+    end
+    def initialize
+        if Syslog.opened?
+            Syslog.close
+        end
+        name = Puppet[:name]
+        name = "puppet-#{name}" unless name =~ /puppet/
+        options = Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_NDELAY
+        # XXX This should really be configurable.
+        str = Puppet[:syslogfacility]
+        begin
+            facility = Syslog.const_get("LOG_#{str.upcase}")
+        rescue NameError
+            raise Puppet::Error, "Invalid syslog facility %s" % str
+        end
+        @syslog = Syslog.open(name, options, facility)
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        # XXX Syslog currently has a bug that makes it so you
+        # cannot log a message with a '%' in it.  So, we get rid
+        # of them.
+        if msg.source == "Puppet"
+            @syslog.send(msg.level, msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%'))
+        else
+            @syslog.send(msg.level, "(%s) %s" %
+                [msg.source.to_s.gsub("%", ""),
+                    msg.to_s.gsub("%", '%%')
+                ]
+            )
+        end
+    end
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :file do
+    match(/^\//)
+    def close
+        if defined? @file
+            @file.close
+            @file = nil
+        end
+    end
+    def flush
+        if defined? @file
+            @file.flush
+        end
+    end
+    def initialize(path)
+        @name = path
+        # first make sure the directory exists
+        # We can't just use 'Config.use' here, because they've
+        # specified a "special" destination.
+        unless FileTest.exist?(File.dirname(path))
+            Puppet.recmkdir(File.dirname(path))
+            Puppet.info "Creating log directory %s" % File.dirname(path)
+        end
+        # create the log file, if it doesn't already exist
+        file = File.open(path, File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::APPEND)
+        @file = file
+        @autoflush = Puppet[:autoflush]
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        @file.puts("%s %s (%s): %s" %
+            [msg.time, msg.source, msg.level, msg.to_s])
+        @file.flush if @autoflush
+    end
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :console do
+    RED     = {:console => "", :html => "FFA0A0"}
+    GREEN   = {:console => "", :html => "00CD00"}
+    YELLOW  = {:console => "", :html => "FFFF60"}
+    BLUE    = {:console => "", :html => "80A0FF"}
+    PURPLE  = {:console => "", :html => "FFA500"}
+    CYAN    = {:console => "", :html => "40FFFF"}
+    WHITE   = {:console => "", :html => "FFFFFF"}
+    HRED    = {:console => "", :html => "FFA0A0"}
+    HGREEN  = {:console => "", :html => "00CD00"}
+    HYELLOW = {:console => "", :html => "FFFF60"}
+    HBLUE   = {:console => "", :html => "80A0FF"}
+    HPURPLE = {:console => "", :html => "FFA500"}
+    HCYAN   = {:console => "", :html => "40FFFF"}
+    HWHITE  = {:console => "", :html => "FFFFFF"}
+    RESET   = {:console => "",    :html => ""      }
+    @@colormap = {
+        :debug => WHITE,
+        :info => GREEN,
+        :notice => CYAN,
+        :warning => YELLOW,
+        :err => HPURPLE,
+        :alert => RED,
+        :emerg => HRED,
+        :crit => HRED
+    }
+    def colorize(level, str)
+        case Puppet[:color]
+        when false; str
+        when true, :ansi, "ansi"; console_color(level, str)
+        when :html, "html"; html_color(level, str)
+        end
+    end
+    def console_color(level, str)
+        @@colormap[level][:console] + str + RESET[:console]
+    end
+    def html_color(level, str)
+        %{<span style="color: %s">%s</span>} % [@@colormap[level][:html], str]
+    end
+    def initialize
+        # Flush output immediately.
+        $stdout.sync = true
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        if msg.source == "Puppet"
+            puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.to_s])
+        else
+            puts colorize(msg.level, "%s: %s: %s" % [msg.level, msg.source, msg.to_s])
+        end
+    end
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :host do
+    def initialize(host)
+        Puppet.info "Treating %s as a hostname" % host
+        args = {}
+        if host =~ /:(\d+)/
+            args[:Port] = $1
+            args[:Server] = host.sub(/:\d+/, '')
+        else
+            args[:Server] = host
+        end
+        @name = host
+        @driver = Puppet::Network::Client::LogClient.new(args)
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        unless msg.is_a?(String) or msg.remote
+            unless defined? @hostname
+                @hostname = Facter["hostname"].value
+            end
+            unless defined? @domain
+                @domain = Facter["domain"].value
+                if @domain
+                    @hostname += "." + @domain
+                end
+            end
+            if msg.source =~ /^\//
+                msg.source = @hostname + ":" + msg.source
+            elsif msg.source == "Puppet"
+                msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source
+            else
+                msg.source = @hostname + " " + msg.source
+            end
+            begin
+                #puts "would have sent %s" % msg
+                #puts "would have sent %s" %
+                #    CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg))
+                begin
+                    tmp = CGI.escape(YAML.dump(msg))
+                rescue => detail
+                    puts "Could not dump: %s" % detail.to_s
+                    return
+                end
+                # Add the hostname to the source
+                @driver.addlog(tmp)
+            rescue => detail
+                if Puppet[:trace]
+                    puts detail.backtrace
+                end
+                Puppet.err detail
+                Puppet::Util::Log.close(self)
+            end
+        end
+    end
+# Log to a transaction report.
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :report do
+    match "Puppet::Transaction::Report"
+    def initialize(report)
+        @report = report
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        @report.newlog(msg)
+    end
+# Log to an array, just for testing.
+Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :array do
+    match "Array"
+    def initialize(array)
+        @array = array
+    end
+    def handle(msg)
+        @array << msg
+    end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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