[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:30:50 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 2292b768c93a1ccba91cfe92d60c65ed936dd45c
Author: Luke Kanies <luke at madstop.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 7 15:48:57 2009 -0600

    Refactoring the RAL interface to logging
    Previously, the Log class knew a lot about RAL objects,
    but now the Logging module is the only one that does.
    This greatly simplifies the Log class, which is good,
    and means that whatever complexity does need to exist
    is directly exposed in the Logging middleware module.
    Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <luke at madstop.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
index 0e4071c..285a205 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parameter.rb
@@ -205,17 +205,8 @@ class Puppet::Parameter
-    # Log a message using the resource's log level.
     def log(msg)
-        unless @resource[:loglevel]
-            self.devfail "Parent %s has no loglevel" %
-                @resource.name
-        end
-        Puppet::Util::Log.create(
-            :level => @resource[:loglevel],
-            :message => msg,
-            :source => self
-        )
+        send_log(resource[:loglevel], msg)
     # Is this parameter a metaparam?
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
index 50111ab..e3930fb 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/log.rb
@@ -207,8 +207,7 @@ class Puppet::Util::Log
-    attr_accessor :level, :message, :time, :remote, :file, :line, :version
-    attr_reader :source
+    attr_accessor :level, :message, :time, :remote, :file, :line, :version, :source
     def initialize(args)
         unless args.include?(:level) && args.include?(:message)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb b/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
index 89f87db..002ca36 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/log/destinations.rb
@@ -113,9 +113,10 @@ Puppet::Util::Log.newdesttype :console do
     def colorize(level, str)
         case Puppet[:color]
-        when false; str
-        when true, :ansi, "ansi"; console_color(level, str)
+        when true, :ansi, "ansi", "yes"; console_color(level, str)
         when :html, "html"; html_color(level, str)
+        else
+            str
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/logging.rb b/lib/puppet/util/logging.rb
index 1348074..3af6980 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/logging.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/logging.rb
@@ -2,18 +2,41 @@
 require 'puppet/util/log'
 module Puppet::Util::Logging
+    def send_log(level, message)
+        Puppet::Util::Log.create({:level => level, :source => log_source(), :message => message}.merge(log_metadata))
+    end
     # Create a method for each log level.
     Puppet::Util::Log.eachlevel do |level|
         define_method(level) do |args|
             if args.is_a?(Array)
                 args = args.join(" ")
-            Puppet::Util::Log.create(
-                :level => level,
-                :source => self,
-                :message => args
-            )
+            send_log(level, args)
+    private
+    def is_resource?
+        defined?(Puppet::Type) && is_a?(Puppet::Type)
+    end
+    def is_resource_parameter?
+        defined?(Puppet::Parameter) && is_a?(Puppet::Parameter)
+    end
+    def log_metadata
+        [:file, :line, :version, :tags].inject({}) do |result, attr|
+            result[attr] = send(attr) if respond_to?(attr)
+            result
+        end
+    end
+    def log_source
+        # We need to guard the existence of the constants, since this module is used by the base Puppet module.
+        (is_resource? or is_resource_parameter?) and respond_to?(:path) and return path.to_s
+        return to_s
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/parameter.rb b/spec/unit/parameter.rb
index 817b5c6..f447324 100755
--- a/spec/unit/parameter.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/parameter.rb
@@ -157,5 +157,12 @@ describe Puppet::Parameter do
             @parameter.munge("bar").should == "bar"
+    describe "when logging" do
+        it "should use its resource's log level and the provided message" do
+            @resource.expects(:[]).with(:loglevel).returns :notice
+            @parameter.expects(:send_log).with(:notice, "mymessage")
+            @parameter.log "mymessage"
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/spec/unit/util/logging.rb b/spec/unit/util/logging.rb
index 39edbb4..d6c38fd 100755
--- a/spec/unit/util/logging.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/util/logging.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ describe Puppet::Util::Logging do
+    it "should have a method for sending a log with a specified log level" do
+        @logger.expects(:to_s).returns "I'm a string!"
+        Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:source] == "I'm a string!" and args[:level] == "loglevel" and args[:message] == "mymessage" }
+        @logger.send_log "loglevel", "mymessage"
+    end
     describe "when sending a log" do
         it "should use the Log's 'create' entrance method" do
@@ -26,12 +33,35 @@ describe Puppet::Util::Logging do
             @logger.notice "foo"
-        it "should send itself as the log source" do
-            Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:source].equal?(@logger) }
+        it "should send itself converted to a string as the log source" do
+            @logger.expects(:to_s).returns "I'm a string!"
+            Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:source] == "I'm a string!" }
             @logger.notice "foo"
+        it "should use the path of any provided resource type" do
+            resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "foo"
+            resource.expects(:path).returns "/path/to/mount".to_sym
+            Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:source] == "/path/to/mount" }
+            resource.notice "foo"
+        end
+        it "should use the path of any provided resource parameter" do
+            resource = Puppet::Type.type(:mount).new :name => "foo"
+            param = resource.parameter(:name)
+            param.expects(:path).returns "/path/to/param".to_sym
+            Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:source] == "/path/to/param" }
+            param.notice "foo"
+        end
         it "should send the provided argument as the log message" do
             Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[:message] == "foo" }
@@ -43,5 +73,16 @@ describe Puppet::Util::Logging do
             @logger.notice ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+        [:file, :line, :version, :tags].each do |attr|
+            it "should include #{attr} if available" do
+                @logger.metaclass.send(:attr_accessor, attr)
+                @logger.send(attr.to_s + "=", "myval")
+                Puppet::Util::Log.expects(:create).with { |args| args[attr] == "myval" }
+                @logger.notice "foo"
+            end
+        end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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