[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:31:15 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 0f768ed335424253b8f1f66788a076f451b37170
Author: Luke Kanies <luke at reductivelabs.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 26 17:02:14 2010 -0700

    Removing now-obsolete user tests
    Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <luke at reductivelabs.com>

diff --git a/test/ral/type/user.rb b/test/ral/type/user.rb
index 3c75327..797fa01 100755
--- a/test/ral/type/user.rb
+++ b/test/ral/type/user.rb
@@ -78,243 +78,6 @@ class TestUser < Test::Unit::TestCase
         return user
-    def attrtest_ensure(user)
-        old = user.provider.ensure
-        user[:ensure] = :absent
-        comp = mk_catalog("ensuretest", user)
-        assert_apply(user)
-        assert(!user.provider.exists?, "User is still present")
-        user[:ensure] = :present
-        assert_events([:user_created], comp)
-        assert(user.provider.exists?, "User is absent")
-        user[:ensure] = :absent
-        trans = assert_events([:user_removed], comp)
-        user[:ensure] = old
-        assert_apply(user)
-    end
-    def attrtest_comment(user)
-        user.retrieve
-        old = user.provider.comment
-        user[:comment] = "A different comment"
-        comp = mk_catalog("commenttest", user)
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal("A different comment", user.provider.comment,
-            "Comment was not changed")
-        user[:comment] = old
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal(old, user.provider.comment,
-            "Comment was not reverted")
-    end
-    def attrtest_home(user)
-        obj = nil
-        comp = mk_catalog("hometest", user)
-        old = user.provider.home
-        assert_apply user
-        user[:home] = "/tmp"
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal("/tmp", user.provider.home, "Home was not changed")
-        user[:home] = old
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal(old, user.provider.home, "Home was not reverted")
-    end
-    def attrtest_shell(user)
-        old = user.provider.shell
-        comp = mk_catalog("shelltest", user)
-        user[:shell] = old
-        assert_apply(user)
-        newshell = findshell(old)
-        unless newshell
-            $stderr.puts "Cannot find alternate shell; skipping shell test"
-            return
-        end
-        user[:shell] = newshell
-        assert_apply(user)
-        user.retrieve
-        assert_equal(newshell, user.provider.shell,
-            "Shell was not changed")
-        user.retrieve
-        user[:shell] = old
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal(old, user.provider.shell, "Shell was not reverted")
-    end
-    def attrtest_uid(user)
-        obj = nil
-        comp = mk_catalog("uidtest", user)
-        user.provider.uid = 1
-        old = 1
-        newuid = 1
-        while true
-            newuid += 1
-            if newuid - old > 1000
-                $stderr.puts "Could not find extra test UID"
-                return
-            end
-            begin
-                newuser = Etc.getpwuid(newuid)
-            rescue ArgumentError => detail
-                break
-            end
-        end
-        assert_nothing_raised("Failed to change user id") {
-            user[:uid] = newuid
-        }
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal(newuid, user.provider.uid, "UID was not changed")
-        user[:uid] = old
-        assert_apply user
-        assert_equal(old, user.provider.uid, "UID was not reverted")
-    end
-    def attrtest_groups(user)
-        Etc.setgrent
-        max = 0
-        while group = Etc.getgrent
-            if group.gid > max and group.gid < 5000
-                max = group.gid
-            end
-        end
-        groups = []
-        main = []
-        extra = []
-        5.times do |i|
-            i += 1
-            name = "pptstgr%s" % i
-            groups << name
-            if i < 3
-                main << name
-            else
-                extra << name
-            end
-        end
-        assert(user[:membership] == :minimum, "Membership did not default correctly")
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            user.retrieve
-        }
-        # Now add some of them to our user
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            user[:groups] = extra
-        }
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            user.retrieve
-        }
-        assert_instance_of(String, user.property(:groups).should)
-        # Some tests to verify that groups work correctly startig from nothing
-        # Remove our user
-        user[:ensure] = :absent
-        assert_apply(user)
-        assert_nothing_raised do
-            user.retrieve
-        end
-        # And add it again
-        user[:ensure] = :present
-        assert_apply(user)
-        # Make sure that the groups are a string, not an array
-        assert(user.provider.groups.is_a?(String),
-            "Incorrectly passed an array to groups")
-        currentvalue = user.retrieve
-        assert(currentvalue[user.property(:groups)], "Did not retrieve group list")
-        list = currentvalue[user.property(:groups)]
-        assert_equal(extra.sort, list.sort, "Group list is not equal")
-        # Now set to our main list of groups
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            user[:groups] = main
-        }
-        assert_equal((main + extra).sort, user.property(:groups).should.split(",").sort)
-        currentvalue = nil
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            currentvalue = user.retrieve
-        }
-        assert(!user.insync?(currentvalue), "User is incorrectly in sync")
-        assert_apply(user)
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            currentvalue = user.retrieve
-        }
-        # We're not managing inclusively, so it should keep the old group
-        # memberships and add the new ones
-        list = currentvalue[user.property(:groups)]
-        assert_equal((main + extra).sort, list.sort, "Group list is not equal")
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            user[:membership] = :inclusive
-        }
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            currentvalue = user.retrieve
-        }
-        assert(!user.insync?(currentvalue), "User is incorrectly in sync")
-        assert_events([:user_created], user)
-        assert_nothing_raised {
-            currentvalue = user.retrieve
-        }
-        list = currentvalue[user.property(:groups)]
-        assert_equal(main.sort, list.sort, "Group list is not equal")
-        # Set the values a bit differently.
-        user.property(:groups).should = list.sort { |a,b| b <=> a }
-        assert(user.property(:groups).insync?(list.sort), "Groups property did not sort groups")
-        user.delete(:groups)
-    end
-    def test_groups_list_must_not_contain_commas
-        assert_raise(Puppet::Error) do
-            Puppet::Type.type(:user).new :name => "luke", :groups => "root,adm"
-        end
-    end
     def test_autorequire
         file = tempfile()
         comp = nil
@@ -352,54 +115,6 @@ class TestUser < Test::Unit::TestCase
         assert(rels.detect { |r| r.source == user }, "Homedir did not require user")
-    def test_simpleuser
-        name = "pptest"
-        user = mkuser(name)
-        comp = mk_catalog("usercomp", user)
-        trans = assert_events([:user_created], comp, "user")
-        assert_equal(user.should(:comment), user.provider.comment,
-            "Comment was not set correctly")
-        user[:ensure] = :absent
-        assert_events([:user_removed], user)
-        assert(! user.provider.exists?, "User did not get deleted")
-    end
-    def test_allusermodelproperties
-        user = nil
-        name = "pptest"
-        user = mkuser(name)
-        assert(! user.provider.exists?, "User %s is present" % name)
-        comp = mk_catalog("usercomp", user)
-        trans = assert_events([:user_created], comp, "user")
-        user.retrieve
-        assert_equal("Puppet Testing User", user.provider.comment,
-            "Comment was not set")
-        tests = Puppet::Type.type(:user).validproperties
-        tests.each { |test|
-            if self.respond_to?("attrtest_%s" % test)
-                self.send("attrtest_%s" % test, user)
-            else
-                Puppet.err "Not testing attr %s of user" % test
-            end
-        }
-        user[:ensure] = :absent
-        assert_apply(user)
-    end
     # Testing #455
     def test_autorequire_with_no_group_should
         user = Puppet::Type.type(:user).new(:name => "yaytest", :check => :all)

Puppet packaging for Debian

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