[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:31:31 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 4820a1b569444f942b3ceb6ee3a0832ed6faf613
Author: Markus Roberts <Markus at reality.com>
Date:   Mon Mar 22 22:24:22 2010 -0700

    Fix for #2604 Pure Ruby yaml generation
    This patch brings in a pure ruby yaml generation library, analagous
    to what we did with JSON/PSON, but without the renaming dodge we had
    to do in that case to avoid fighting with Rails.
    Signed-off-by: Markus Roberts <Markus at reality.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb b/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
index 7ce1ccc..05d3193 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 Process.maxgroups = 1024
 module RDoc 
     def self.caller(skip=nil)
         in_gem_wrapper = false
@@ -7,3 +8,27 @@ module RDoc
+require "yaml"
+require "puppet/util/zaml.rb"
+class Symbol
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit("!ruby/sym ")
+        to_s.to_zaml(z)
+    end
+class Object
+    def to_yaml
+        ZAML.dump(self)
+    end
+def YAML.dump(*args)
+    ZAML.dump(*args)
diff --git a/lib/puppet/util/zaml.rb b/lib/puppet/util/zaml.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcf0e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/util/zaml.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+# ZAML -- A partial replacement for YAML, writen with speed and code clarity
+#         in mind.  ZAML fixes one YAML bug (loading Exceptions) and provides 
+#         a replacement for YAML.dump() unimaginatively called ZAML.dump(),
+#         which is faster on all known cases and an order of magnitude faster 
+#         with complex structures.
+# http://github.com/hallettj/zaml
+# Authors: Markus Roberts, Jesse Hallett, Ian McIntosh, Igal Koshevoy, Simon Chiang
+require 'yaml'
+class ZAML
+    VERSION = "0.1.1"
+    #
+    # Class Methods
+    #
+    def self.dump(stuff, where='')
+        z = new
+        stuff.to_zaml(z)
+        where << z.to_s
+    end
+    #
+    # Instance Methods
+    #
+    def initialize
+        @result = []
+        @indent = nil
+        @structured_key_prefix = nil
+        Label.counter_reset
+        emit('--- ')
+    end
+    def nested(tail='  ')
+        old_indent = @indent
+        @indent = "#{@indent || "\n"}#{tail}"
+        yield
+        @indent = old_indent
+    end
+    class Label
+        #
+        # YAML only wants objects in the datastream once; if the same object 
+        #    occurs more than once, we need to emit a label ("&idxxx") on the 
+        #    first occurrence and then emit a back reference (*idxxx") on any
+        #    subsequent occurrence(s). 
+        #
+        # To accomplish this we keeps a hash (by object id) of the labels of
+        #    the things we serialize as we begin to serialize them.  The labels
+        #    initially serialize as an empty string (since most objects are only
+        #    going to be be encountered once), but can be changed to a valid 
+        #    (by assigning it a number) the first time it is subsequently used, 
+        #    if it ever is.  Note that we need to do the label setup BEFORE we 
+        #    start to serialize the object so that circular structures (in 
+        #    which we will encounter a reference to the object as we serialize 
+        #    it can be handled).
+        #
+        def self.counter_reset
+            @@previously_emitted_object = {}
+            @@next_free_label_number = 0
+        end
+        def initialize(obj,indent)
+            @indent = indent
+            @this_label_number = nil
+            @@previously_emitted_object[obj.object_id] = self
+        end
+        def to_s
+            @this_label_number ? ('&id%03d%s' % [@this_label_number, @indent]) : ''
+        end
+        def reference
+            @this_label_number ||= (@@next_free_label_number += 1)
+            @reference         ||= '*id%03d' % @this_label_number
+        end
+        def self.for(obj)
+            @@previously_emitted_object[obj.object_id]
+        end
+    end
+    def new_label_for(obj)
+        Label.new(obj,(Hash === obj || Array === obj) ? "#{@indent || "\n"}  " : ' ')
+    end
+    def first_time_only(obj)
+        if label = Label.for(obj)
+            emit(label.reference)
+          else
+            if @structured_key_prefix and not obj.is_a? String
+                emit(@structured_key_prefix) 
+                @structured_key_prefix = nil
+            end
+            emit(new_label_for(obj))
+            yield
+        end
+    end
+    def emit(s)
+        @result << s
+        @recent_nl = false unless s.kind_of?(Label)
+    end
+    def nl(s='')
+        emit(@indent || "\n") unless @recent_nl 
+        emit(s)
+        @recent_nl = true
+    end
+    def to_s
+        @result.join
+    end
+    def prefix_structured_keys(x)
+        @structured_key_prefix = x
+        yield
+        nl unless @structured_key_prefix
+        @structured_key_prefix = nil
+    end
+#   Behavior for custom classes
+class Object
+    def to_yaml_properties
+        instance_variables.sort        # Default YAML behavior
+    end
+    def zamlized_class_name(root)
+        "!ruby/#{root.name.downcase}#{self.class == root ? '' : ":#{self.class.name}"}"
+    end
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) {
+            z.emit(zamlized_class_name(Object)) 
+            z.nested {
+                instance_variables = to_yaml_properties
+                if instance_variables.empty?
+                    z.emit(" {}")
+                  else
+                    instance_variables.each { |v|
+                        z.nl
+                        v[1..-1].to_zaml(z)       # Remove leading '@'
+                        z.emit(': ')
+                        instance_variable_get(v).to_zaml(z)
+                    }
+              end
+            }
+        }
+    end
+#   Behavior for built-in classes
+class NilClass
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit('')        # NOTE: blank turns into nil in YAML.load
+    end
+class Symbol
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit(self.inspect)
+    end
+class TrueClass
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit('true')
+    end
+class FalseClass
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit('false')
+    end
+class Numeric
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit(self)
+    end
+class Regexp
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) { z.emit("#{zamlized_class_name(Regexp)} #{inspect}") }
+    end
+class Exception
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit(zamlized_class_name(Exception))
+        z.nested {
+            z.nl("message: ")
+            message.to_zaml(z)
+        }
+    end
+    #
+    # Monkey patch for buggy Exception restore in YAML
+    #
+    #     This makes it work for now but is not very future-proof; if things
+    #     change we'll most likely want to remove this.  To mitigate the risks
+    #     as much as possible, we test for the bug before appling the patch.
+    #
+    if respond_to? :yaml_new and yaml_new(self, :tag, "message" => "blurp").message != "blurp"
+        def self.yaml_new( klass, tag, val )
+            o = YAML.object_maker( klass, {} ).exception(val.delete( 'message'))
+            val.each_pair do |k,v|
+                o.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v)
+            end
+            o
+        end
+    end
+class String
+    ZAML_ESCAPES = %w{\x00 \x01 \x02 \x03 \x04 \x05 \x06 \a \x08 \t \n \v \f \r \x0e \x0f \x10 \x11 \x12 \x13 \x14 \x15 \x16 \x17 \x18 \x19 \x1a \e \x1c \x1d \x1e \x1f }
+    def escaped_for_zaml
+        gsub( /\x5C/, "\\\\\\" ).  # Demi-kludge for Maglev/rubinius; the regexp should be /\\/ but parsetree chokes on that.
+        gsub( /"/, "\\\"" ).
+        gsub( /([\x00-\x1F])/ ) { |x| ZAML_ESCAPES[ x.unpack("C")[0] ] }.
+        gsub( /([\x80-\xFF])/ ) { |x| "\\x#{x.unpack("C")[0].to_s(16)}" }
+    end
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) { 
+            num = '[-+]?(0x)?\d+\.?\d*'
+            case
+              when self == ''
+                z.emit('""')
+              # when self =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/
+              #   z.emit("!binary |\n")
+              #   z.emit([self].pack("m*"))
+              when (
+                    (self =~ /\A(true|false|yes|no|on|null|off|#{num}(:#{num})*|!|=|~)$/i) or 
+                    (self =~ /\A\n* /) or
+                    (self =~ /\s$/) or
+                    (self =~ /^[>|][-+\d]*\s/i) or
+                    (self[-1..-1] =~ /\s/) or 
+                    (self =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/) or
+                    (self =~ /[,\[\]\{\}\r\t]|:\s|\s#/) or 
+                    (self =~ /\A([-:?!#&*'"]|<<|%.+:.)/) 
+                    )
+                z.emit("\"#{escaped_for_zaml}\"")
+              when self =~ /\n/
+                if self[-1..-1] == "\n" then z.emit('|+') else z.emit('|-') end
+                z.nested { split("\n",-1).each { |line| z.nl; z.emit(line.chomp("\n")) } }
+                z.nl
+              else 
+                z.emit(self)
+          end
+        }
+    end
+class Hash
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) { 
+            z.nested {
+                if empty?
+                    z.emit('{}')
+                  else
+                    each_pair { |k, v|
+                        z.nl
+                        z.prefix_structured_keys('? ') { k.to_zaml(z) }
+                        z.emit(': ')
+                        v.to_zaml(z)
+                    }
+              end
+            }
+        }
+    end
+class Array
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) {
+            z.nested { 
+                if empty?
+                    z.emit('[]')
+                  else
+                    each { |v| z.nl('- '); v.to_zaml(z) }
+              end
+            } 
+        }
+    end
+class Time
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        # 2008-12-06 10:06:51.373758 -07:00
+        ms = ("%0.6f" % (usec * 1e-6)).sub(/^\d+\./,'')
+        offset = "%+0.2i:%0.2i" % [utc_offset / 3600, (utc_offset / 60) % 60]
+        z.emit(self.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#{ms} #{offset}"))
+    end
+class Date
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.emit(strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
+    end
+class Range
+    def to_zaml(z)
+        z.first_time_only(self) {
+            z.emit(zamlized_class_name(Range)) 
+            z.nested {
+                z.nl
+                z.emit('begin: ')
+                z.emit(first)
+                z.nl
+                z.emit('end: ')
+                z.emit(last)
+                z.nl
+                z.emit('excl: ')
+                z.emit(exclude_end?)
+            }
+        }
+    end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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