[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

Luke Kanies luke at puppetlabs.com
Wed Jul 14 10:32:18 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit c5ce824a08c4c2a60a88b68875ca310b44426581
Author: Luke Kanies <luke at puppetlabs.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 9 17:04:02 2010 -0700

    Fixing various broken Resource::Type tests
    Also making the code a bit cleaner.
    Signed-off-by: Luke Kanies <luke at puppetlabs.com>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/resource/type.rb b/lib/puppet/resource/type.rb
index 1192a1a..402df06 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/resource/type.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/resource/type.rb
@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ class Puppet::Resource::Type
     attr_accessor :file, :line, :doc, :code, :ruby_code, :parent, :resource_type_collection
     attr_reader :type, :namespace, :arguments, :behaves_like
+    RESOURCE_SUPERTYPES.each do |t|
+        define_method("#{t}?") { self.type == t }
+    end
     # Are we a child of the passed class?  Do a recursive search up our
     # parentage tree to figure it out.
     def child_of?(klass)
@@ -172,7 +176,7 @@ class Puppet::Resource::Type
         scope.setvar("title", resource.title) unless set.include? :title
         scope.setvar("name", resource.name) unless set.include? :name
-        scope.class_set(self.name,scope)
+        scope.class_set(self.name,scope) if hostclass?
     # Create a new subscope in which to evaluate our code.
@@ -214,7 +218,8 @@ class Puppet::Resource::Type
     def evaluate_parent_type(resource)
-        return unless klass = parent_type and parent_resource = resource.scope.compiler.catalog.resource(:class, klass.name)
+        #return unless klass = parent_type and parent_resource = resource.scope.compiler.catalog.resource(:class, klass.name)
+        return unless klass = parent_type and parent_resource = resource.catalog.resource(:class, klass.name)
         parent_resource.evaluate unless parent_resource.evaluated?
         return parent_scope(resource.scope, klass)
diff --git a/spec/unit/resource/type.rb b/spec/unit/resource/type.rb
index f0a0fdf..bbf2f73 100755
--- a/spec/unit/resource/type.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/resource/type.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
+    [:hostclass, :node, :definition].each do |type|
+        it "should know when it is a #{type}" do
+            Puppet::Resource::Type.new(type, "foo").send("#{type}?").should be_true
+        end
+    end
     describe "when a node"  do
         it "should allow a regex as its name" do
             lambda { Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, /foo/) }.should_not raise_error
@@ -330,10 +336,13 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
             @compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(Puppet::Node.new("mynode"))
             @scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new :compiler => @compiler
             @resource = Puppet::Parser::Resource.new(:foo, "yay", :scope => @scope)
+            # This is so the internal resource lookup works, yo.
+            @compiler.catalog.add_resource @resource
             @known_resource_types = stub 'known_resource_types'
             @resource.stubs(:known_resource_types).returns @known_resource_types
             @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:hostclass, "foo")
-            @type.stubs(:set_resource_parameters)
         it "should set all of its parameters in a subscope" do
@@ -345,27 +354,20 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
         it "should store the class scope" do
-            subscope = stub 'subscope'
-            subscope.expects(:class_set).with('foo',subscope)
-            @type.expects(:subscope).with(@scope, @resource).returns subscope
+            @scope.class_scope(@type).should be_instance_of(@scope.class)
         it "should still create a scope but not store it if the type is a definition" do
-            subscope = stub 'subscope', :compiler => @compiler, :setvar => nil
             @type = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:definition, "foo")
-            @type.expects(:subscope).with(@scope, @resource).returns subscope
-            @compiler.class_scope(@type).should be_nil
+            @scope.class_scope(@type).should be_nil
         it "should evaluate the AST code if any is provided" do
             code = stub 'code'
             @type.stubs(:code).returns code
-            @type.stubs(:subscope).returns stub("subscope", :compiler => @compiler)
-            code.expects(:safeevaluate).with @type.subscope
+            code.expects(:safeevaluate)
@@ -373,10 +375,9 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
         describe "and ruby code is provided" do
             it "should create a DSL Resource API and evaluate it" do
                 @type.stubs(:ruby_code).returns(proc { "foo" })
-                scope = stub 'scope', :compiler => stub_everything
-                @type.expects(:subscope).returns(scope)
                 @api = stub 'api'
-                Puppet::DSL::ResourceAPI.expects(:new).with(@resource, scope, @type.ruby_code).returns @api
+                Puppet::DSL::ResourceAPI.expects(:new).with { |res, scope, code| code == @type.ruby_code }.returns @api
@@ -398,14 +399,14 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
                 @compiler.add_resource @scope, @parent_resource
-                @type.code_collection = @scope.known_resource_types
-                @type.code_collection.add @parent_type
+                @type.resource_type_collection = @scope.known_resource_types
+                @type.resource_type_collection.add @parent_type
             it "should evaluate the parent's resource" do
-                @compiler.class_scope(@parent_type).should_not be_nil
+                @scope.class_scope(@parent_type).should_not be_nil
             it "should not evaluate the parent's resource if it has already been evaluated" do
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@ describe Puppet::Resource::Type do
             it "should use the parent's scope as its base scope" do
-                @scope.compiler.class_scope(@type).parent.object_id.should == @scope.compiler.class_scope(@parent_type).object_id
+                @scope.class_scope(@type).parent.object_id.should == @scope.class_scope(@parent_type).object_id

Puppet packaging for Debian

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