[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:33:00 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit eafde5cacaac79da79d9d1415618801fcc37edcc
Author: Roy Nielsen <rsn at lanl.gov>
Date:   Fri Mar 26 13:25:21 2010 -0600

    Added support for flat packages in the pkgdmg package provider.
    Added a test in:
    To test flat package support.
    The case where a package is a .pkg bundle, curl will attempt
    to download and not work.  The "installer" command will then
    fail, as the source will be "not found" and the resource will
    fail.  The puppet run will continue.
    Signed-off-by: Roy Nielsen <rsn at lanl.gov>

diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
index 8a916d5..25edc91 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag
     def self.installpkgdmg(source, name)
-        unless source =~ /\.dmg$/i
-            raise Puppet::Error.new("Mac OS X PKG DMG's must specificy a source string ending in .dmg")
+        unless source =~ /\.dmg$/i || source =~ /\.pkg$/i
+            raise Puppet::Error.new("Mac OS X PKG DMG's must specificy a source string ending in .dmg or flat .pkg file")
         require 'open-uri'
         cached_source = source
@@ -85,28 +85,34 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag
-            File.open(cached_source) do |dmg|
-                xml_str = hdiutil "mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly", "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp", dmg.path
-                hdiutil_info = Plist::parse_xml(xml_str)
-                unless hdiutil_info.has_key?("system-entities")
-                    raise Puppet::Error.new("No disk entities returned by mount at %s" % dmg.path)
-                end
-                mounts = hdiutil_info["system-entities"].collect { |entity|
-                    entity["mount-point"]
-                }.compact
-                begin
-                    mounts.each do |mountpoint|
-                        Dir.entries(mountpoint).select { |f|
-                            f =~ /\.m{0,1}pkg$/i
-                        }.each do |pkg|
-                            installpkg("#{mountpoint}/#{pkg}", name, source)
-                        end
+            if source =~ /\.dmg$/i
+                File.open(cached_source) do |dmg|
+                    xml_str = hdiutil "mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly", "-noidme", "-mountrandom", "/tmp", dmg.path
+                    hdiutil_info = Plist::parse_xml(xml_str)
+                    unless hdiutil_info.has_key?("system-entities")
+                        raise Puppet::Error.new("No disk entities returned by mount at %s" % dmg.path)
-                ensure
-                    mounts.each do |mountpoint|
-                        hdiutil "eject", mountpoint
+                    mounts = hdiutil_info["system-entities"].collect { |entity|
+                        entity["mount-point"]
+                    }.compact
+                    begin
+                        mounts.each do |mountpoint|
+                            Dir.entries(mountpoint).select { |f|
+                                f =~ /\.m{0,1}pkg$/i
+                            }.each do |pkg|
+                                installpkg("#{mountpoint}/#{pkg}", name, source)
+                            end
+                        end
+                    ensure
+                        mounts.each do |mountpoint|
+                            hdiutil "eject", mountpoint
+                        end
+            elsif source =~ /\.pkg$/i
+                installpkg(cached_source, name, source)
+            else
+                raise Puppet::Error.new("Mac OS X PKG DMG's must specificy a source string ending in .dmg or flat .pkg file")
             # JJM Remove the file if open-uri didn't already do so.
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :pkgdmg, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Packag
     def query
         if FileTest.exists?("/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_#{@resource[:name]}")
+            Puppet.debug "/var/db/.puppet_pkgdmg_installed_#{@resource[:name]} found"
             return {:name => @resource[:name], :ensure => :present}
             return nil
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
index d437574..3f007e0 100755
--- a/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/provider/package/pkgdmg.rb
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ describe provider do
         @resource = stub 'resource', :[] => "dummypkgdmg"
         @provider = provider.new(@resource)
-        @fakemountpoint = "/tmp/dmg.foo"
-        @fakehdiutilinfo = {"system-entities" => [{"mount-point" => @fakemountpoint}] }
+        @fakemountpoint   = "/tmp/dmg.foo"
+        @fakepkgfile      = "/tmp/test.pkg"
+        @fakehdiutilinfo  = {"system-entities" => [{"mount-point" => @fakemountpoint}] }
         @fakehdiutilplist = Plist::Emit.dump(@fakehdiutilinfo)
         @hdiutilmountargs = ["mount", "-plist", "-nobrowse", "-readonly",
@@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ describe provider do
             lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
-        it "the source does not end in .dmg" do
-            @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "notendingindotdmg"
+        it "the source does not end in .dmg or .pkg" do
+            @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "notendingindotdmgorpkg"
             lambda { @provider.install }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ describe provider do
     # These tests shouldn't be this messy. The pkgdmg provider needs work...
-    describe "when installing" do
+    describe "when installing a pkgdmg" do
         before do
             fh = mock 'filehandle'
             fh.stubs(:path).yields "/tmp/foo"
@@ -70,4 +71,14 @@ describe provider do
+    describe "when installing flat pkg file" do
+        it "should call installpkg if a flat pkg file is found instead of a .dmg image" do
+            @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:source).returns "/tmp/test.pkg"
+            @resource.stubs(:[]).with(:name).returns "testpkg"
+			@provider.class.expects(:installpkgdmg).with("#{@fakepkgfile}", "testpkg").returns ""
+			@provider.install
+		end
+    end

Puppet packaging for Debian

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