[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

test branch puppet-dev at googlegroups.com
Wed Jul 14 10:34:03 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit a4eb5d576419554af827a7837030863759d14731
Author: Ross West <westr at connection.ca>
Date:   Wed May 5 12:56:06 2010 -0400

    Signed-off-by: Ross West <westr at connection.ca>
    	- Initial submission of new freebsd package manager for ports (portupgrade.rb)
    	- Ports system application (ports-mgmt/portupgrade)
    	- Package[:name] needs to be the origin code of the port (eg: "ports-mgmt/portupgrade")

diff --git a/lib/puppet/provider/package/portupgrade.rb b/lib/puppet/provider/package/portupgrade.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7451c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/provider/package/portupgrade.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :portupgrade, :parent => :freebsd, :source => :freebsd do
+Puppet::Type.type(:package).provide :portupgrade, :parent => Puppet::Provider::Package do
+    include Puppet::Util::Execution
+    desc "Support for FreeBSD's ports using the portupgrade ports management software.
+	  Use the port's full origin as the resource name. eg (ports-mgmt/portupgrade)
+	  for the portupgrade port."
+    commands :portupgrade => "/usr/local/sbin/portupgrade",
+	     :portinstall => "/usr/local/sbin/portinstall",
+             :portversion => "/usr/local/sbin/portversion",
+             :portuninstall => "/usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall",
+             :portinfo => "/usr/sbin/pkg_info"
+#    defaultfor :operatingsystem => :freebsd
+    # Remove unwanted environment variables.
+    %w{INTERACTIVE UNAME}.each do |var|
+        if ENV.include?(var)
+            ENV.delete(var)
+        end
+    end
+    ######## instances sub command (builds the installed packages list)
+    def self.instances
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.rb Building packages list from installed ports"
+	# regex to match output from pkg_info
+	regex = %r{^(\S+)-([^-\s]+):(\S+)$}
+	# Corresponding field names
+	fields = [:portname, :ensure, :portorigin]
+	# define Temporary hash used, packages array of hashes
+	hash = Hash.new
+	packages = []
+	#exec command
+	cmd = ["-aoQ"]
+	begin
+		output = portinfo(*cmd)
+	rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+		raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+		return nil
+	end
+	# split output and match it and populate temp hash
+	output.split("\n").each { |data|
+		# reset hash to nil.
+		hash.clear
+		if match = regex.match(data)
+			# Output matched regex
+			fields.zip(match.captures) { |field, value|
+				hash[field] = value
+			}
+			# populate the actual :name field from the :portorigin
+			# Set :provider to this object name
+			hash[:name] = hash[:portorigin]
+			hash[:provider] = self.name
+			# Add to the full packages listing
+			packages << new(hash)
+		else
+			# unrecognised output from pkg_info
+			Puppet.debug "portupgrade.Instances() - unable to match output: %s" % data
+		end
+	}
+	# return the packages array of hashes
+	return packages
+    end
+    ######## packagename sub command
+    def packagename
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.packagename() - checking package name: %s" % self.name
+        cmd = ["-qO", @resource[:name]]
+        begin
+                output = portinfo(*cmd)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+                raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+        end
+	if output =~ /^(\S+)\s+/
+		self.packagename = $1
+		return $1
+	end
+	return nil
+    end
+    ######## Installation sub command
+    def install
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.install() - Installation call on %s" % @resource[:name]
+        # -M: yes, we're a batch, so don't ask any questions
+        cmd = %w{-M BATCH=yes} << @resource[:name]
+        output = portinstall(*cmd)
+        if output =~ /\*\* No such /
+            raise Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Could not find package %s" % @resource[:name]
+        end
+    end
+    ######## Latest subcommand (returns the latest version available, or current version if installed is latest)
+    def latest
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Latest check called on %s" % @resource[:name]
+	# search for latest version available, or return current version.
+	# cmd = "portversion -v <portorigin>", returns "<portname> <code> <stuff>"
+	# or "** No matching package found: <portname>"
+        cmd = ["-v", @resource[:name]]
+        begin
+            output = portversion(*cmd)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+            raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+        end
+	# Check: output format.
+	if output =~ /^\S+-([^-\s]+)\s+(\S)\s+(.*)/
+		# $1 = installed version, $2 = comparison, $3 other data
+		# latest installed
+		installedversion = $1
+		comparison = $2
+		otherdata = $3
+		case comparison
+		when "=", ">"
+			Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Installed package is latest (%s)" % installedversion
+			return installedversion
+		when "<"
+			# "portpkg-1.7_5  <  needs updating (port has 1.14)"
+			# "portpkg-1.7_5  <  needs updating (port has 1.14) (=> 'newport/pkg')
+			if otherdata =~ /\(port has (\S+)\)/
+				newversion = $1
+				Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Installed version needs updating to (%s)" % newversion
+				return newversion
+			else
+				Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Unable to determine new version from (%s)" % otherdata
+				return installedversion
+			end
+		when "?", "!", "#"
+			Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Comparison Error reported from portversion (%s)" % output
+			return installedversion
+		else
+			Puppet.debug "portupgrade.latest() - Unknown code from portversion output (%s)" % output
+			return installedversion
+		end
+	else
+		# error: output not parsed correctly, error out with nil.
+		if output =~ /^\*\* No matching package /
+			raise Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Could not find package %s" % @resource[:name]
+		else
+			# Any other error (dump output to log)
+			raise Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Unexpected output from portversion: %s" % output
+		end
+		# Just in case we still are running, return nil
+		return nil
+	end
+	# At this point normal operation has finished and we shouldn't have been called.
+	# Error out and let the admin deal with it.
+	raise Puppet::Error, "portversion.latest() - fatal error with portversion: %s" % output
+	return nil
+    end
+    ###### Query subcommand - return a hash of details if exists, or nil if it doesn't.
+	# Used to make sure the package is installed
+    def query
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.query() - Called on %s" % @resource[:name]
+	cmd = ["-qO", @resource[:name]]
+	begin
+		output = portinfo(*cmd)
+	rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+		raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+	end
+	# Check: if output isn't in the right format, return nil
+	if output !~ /^(\S+)-([^-\s]+)/
+		Puppet.debug "portupgrade.query() - package (%s) not installed" % @resource[:name]
+		return nil
+	end
+	# Fill in the details
+	hash = Hash.new
+	hash[:portorigin]	= self.name
+	hash[:portname]		= $1
+	hash[:ensure]		= $2
+	# If more details are required, then we can do another pkg_info query here
+	# and parse out that output and add to the hash
+	# return the hash to the caller
+	return hash
+    end
+    ####### Uninstall command 
+    def uninstall
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.uninstall() - called on %s" % @resource[:name]
+	# Get full package name from port origin to uninstall with
+	cmd = ["-qO", @resource[:name]]
+        begin
+                output = portinfo(*cmd)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+                raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+        end
+	if output =~ /^(\S+)/
+		# output matches, so uninstall it
+        	portuninstall $1
+	end
+    end
+    ######## Update/upgrade command
+    def update
+	Puppet.debug "portupgrade.update() - called on (%s)" % @resource[:name]
+        cmd = ["-qO", @resource[:name]]
+        begin
+                output = portinfo(*cmd)
+        rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+                raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+        end
+        if output =~ /^(\S+)/
+                # output matches, so upgrade the software
+        	cmd = %w{-M BATCH=yes} << $1
+		begin
+        		output = portupgrade(*cmd)
+        	rescue Puppet::ExecutionFailure
+			raise Puppet::Error.new(output)
+		end
+        end
+    end
+## EOF

Puppet packaging for Debian

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