[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 0.25.5-639-g8f94f35

Jesse Wolfe jes5199 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 10:35:30 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit af41beb05cc1ec6a8a09fcc7e82fb701aeada37f
Author: Jesse Wolfe <jes5199 at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 25 18:35:26 2010 -0700

    Remove an old test that had been unintentionally reintroduced by a mistake in a conflict resolution

diff --git a/test/language/scope.rb b/test/language/scope.rb
index 282a01b..0bed35c 100755
--- a/test/language/scope.rb
+++ b/test/language/scope.rb
@@ -228,54 +228,6 @@ Host <<||>>"
             "Did not add extra namespace correctly")
-    def test_find_hostclass_and_find_definition
-        parser = mkparser
-        # Make sure our scope calls the parser find_hostclass method with
-        # the right namespaces
-        scope = mkscope :parser => parser
-        parser.singleton_class.send(:attr_accessor, :last)
-        methods = [:find_hostclass, :find_definition]
-        methods.each do |m|
-            parser.meta_def(m) do |namespace, name|
-                @checked ||= []
-                @checked << [namespace, name]
-                # Only return a value on the last call.
-                if @last == namespace
-                    ret = @checked.dup
-                    @checked.clear
-                    return ret
-                else
-                    return nil
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        test = proc do |should|
-            parser.last = scope.namespaces[-1]
-            methods.each do |method|
-                result = scope.send(method, "testing")
-                assert_equal(should, result,
-                    "did not get correct value from %s with namespaces %s" %
-                    [method, scope.namespaces.inspect])
-            end
-        end
-        # Start with the empty namespace
-        assert_nothing_raised { test.call([["", "testing"]]) }
-        # Now add a namespace
-        scope.add_namespace("a")
-        assert_nothing_raised { test.call([["a", "testing"]]) }
-        # And another
-        scope.add_namespace("b")
-        assert_nothing_raised { test.call([["a", "testing"], ["b", "testing"]]) }
-    end
     # #629 - undef should be "" or :undef
     def test_lookupvar_with_undef
         scope = mkscope

Puppet packaging for Debian

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