[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian branch, upstream, updated. 2.6.1rc3-129-g74f8285

James Turnbull james at lovedthanlost.net
Tue Sep 7 13:30:28 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the upstream branch:
commit 0056d4174959a4f07d669eae7b6a768d18891594
Author: James Turnbull <james at lovedthanlost.net>
Date:   Thu Aug 26 15:13:52 2010 +1000

    Fixed extlookup documentation and spacing

diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
index a4786f5..63d49e5 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/extlookup.rb
@@ -1,166 +1,157 @@
-# Puppet External Data Sources
-# This is a parser function to read data from external files, this version
-# uses CSV files but the concept can easily be adjust for databases, yaml
-# or any other queryable data source.
-# The object of this is to make it obvious when it's being used, rather than
-# magically loading data in when an module is loaded I prefer to look at the code
-# and see statements like:
-#     $snmp_contact = extlookup("snmp_contact")
-# The above snippet will load the snmp_contact value from CSV files, this in its
-# own is useful but a common construct in puppet manifests is something like this:
-# case $domain {
-#      "myclient.com": { $snmp_contact = "John Doe <john at myclient.com>" }
-#      default:        { $snmp_contact = "My Support <support at my.com>" }
-# }
-# Over time there will be a lot of this kind of thing spread all over your manifests
-# and adding an additional client involves grepping through manifests to find all the
-# places where you have constructs like this.
-# This is a data problem and shouldn't be handled in code, a using this function you
-# can do just that.
-# First you configure it in site.pp:
-# $extlookup_datadir = "/etc/puppet/manifests/extdata"
-# $extlookup_precedence = ["%{fqdn}", "domain_%{domain}", "common"]
-# The array tells the code how to resolve values, first it will try to find it in
-# web1.myclient.com.csv then in domain_myclient.com.csv and finally in common.csv
-# Now create the following data files in /etc/puppet/manifests/extdata
-# domain_myclient.com.csv:
-#    snmp_contact,John Doe <john at myclient.com>
-#    root_contact,support@%{domain}
-#    client_trusted_ips,,
-# common.csv:
-#    snmp_contact,My Support <support at my.com>
-#    root_contact,support at my.com
-# Now you can replace the case statement with the simple single line to achieve
-# the exact same outcome:
-#    $snmp_contact = extlookup("snmp_contact")
-# The obove code shows some other features, you can use any fact or variable that
-# is in scope by simply using %{varname} in your data files, you can return arrays
-# by just having multiple values in the csv after the initial variable name.
-# In the event that a variable is nowhere to be found a critical error will be raised
-# that will prevent your manifest from compiling, this is to avoid accidentally putting
-# in empty values etc.  You can however specify a default value:
-#    $ntp_servers = extlookup("ntp_servers", "1.${country}.pool.ntp.org")
-# In this case it will default to "1.${country}.pool.ntp.org" if nothing is defined in
-# any data file.
-# You can also specify an additional data file to search first before any others at use
-# time, for example:
-# $version = extlookup("rsyslog_version", "present", "packages")
-# package{"rsyslog": ensure => $version }
-# This will look for a version configured in packages.csv and then in the rest as configured
-# by $extlookup_precedence if it's not found anywhere it will default to "present", this kind
-# of use case makes puppet a lot nicer for managing large amounts of packages since you do not
-# need to edit a load of manifests to do simple things like adjust a desired version number.
-# For more information on installing and writing your own custom functions see:
-#    http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/custom_functions.html
-# For further help contact Volcane on #puppet
 require 'csv'
 module Puppet::Parser::Functions
-  newfunction(:extlookup, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
-    key = args[0]
-    default  = args[1]
-    datafile = args[2]
-    raise Puppet::ParseError, ("extlookup(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be <= 3)") if args.length > 3
-    extlookup_datadir = lookupvar('extlookup_datadir')
-    extlookup_precedence = Array.new
-    # precedence values can have variables embedded in them
-    # in the form %{fqdn}, you could for example do
-    #
-    #    $extlookup_precedence = ["hosts/%{fqdn}", "common"]
-    #
-    # this will result in /path/to/extdata/hosts/your.box.com.csv
-    # being searched.
-    #
-    # This is for back compatibility to interpolate variables with %.
-    # % interpolation is a workaround for a problem that has been fixed: Puppet variable
-    # interpolation at top scope used to only happen on each run
-    extlookup_precedence = lookupvar('extlookup_precedence').collect do |var|
-      var.gsub(/%\{(.+?)\}/) do |capture|
-        lookupvar($1)
-      end
-    end
+  newfunction(:extlookup,
+  :type => :rvalue,
+  :doc => "This is a parser function to read data from external files, this version
+uses CSV files but the concept can easily be adjust for databases, yaml
+or any other queryable data source.
-    datafiles = Array.new
+The object of this is to make it obvious when it's being used, rather than
+magically loading data in when an module is loaded I prefer to look at the code
+and see statements like:
-    # if we got a custom data file, put it first in the array of search files
-    if datafile != ""
-      datafiles << extlookup_datadir + "/#{datafile}.csv" if File.exists?(extlookup_datadir + "/#{datafile}.csv")
-    end
+    $snmp_contact = extlookup(\"snmp_contact\")
+The above snippet will load the snmp_contact value from CSV files, this in its
+own is useful but a common construct in puppet manifests is something like this:
+    case $domain {
+      \"myclient.com\": { $snmp_contact = \"John Doe <john at myclient.com>\" }
+      default:        { $snmp_contact = \"My Support <support at my.com>\" }
+    }
+Over time there will be a lot of this kind of thing spread all over your manifests
+and adding an additional client involves grepping through manifests to find all the
+places where you have constructs like this.
+This is a data problem and shouldn't be handled in code, a using this function you
+can do just that.
+First you configure it in site.pp:
+    $extlookup_datadir = \"/etc/puppet/manifests/extdata\"
+    $extlookup_precedence = [\"%{fqdn}\", \"domain_%{domain}\", \"common\"]
+The array tells the code how to resolve values, first it will try to find it in
+web1.myclient.com.csv then in domain_myclient.com.csv and finally in common.csv
+Now create the following data files in /etc/puppet/manifests/extdata:
+    domain_myclient.com.csv:
+      snmp_contact,John Doe <john at myclient.com>
+      root_contact,support@%{domain}
+      client_trusted_ips,,
+    common.csv:
+      snmp_contact,My Support <support at my.com>
+      root_contact,support at my.com
+Now you can replace the case statement with the simple single line to achieve
+the exact same outcome:
+   $snmp_contact = extlookup(\"snmp_contact\")
+The obove code shows some other features, you can use any fact or variable that
+is in scope by simply using %{varname} in your data files, you can return arrays
+by just having multiple values in the csv after the initial variable name.
+In the event that a variable is nowhere to be found a critical error will be raised
+that will prevent your manifest from compiling, this is to avoid accidentally putting
+in empty values etc.  You can however specify a default value:
+   $ntp_servers = extlookup(\"ntp_servers\", \"1.${country}.pool.ntp.org\")
+In this case it will default to \"1.${country}.pool.ntp.org\" if nothing is defined in
+any data file.
+You can also specify an additional data file to search first before any others at use
+time, for example:
+    $version = extlookup(\"rsyslog_version\", \"present\", \"packages\")
+    package{\"rsyslog\": ensure => $version }
-    extlookup_precedence.each do |d|
-      datafiles << extlookup_datadir + "/#{d}.csv"
+This will look for a version configured in packages.csv and then in the rest as configured
+by $extlookup_precedence if it's not found anywhere it will default to `present`, this kind
+of use case makes puppet a lot nicer for managing large amounts of packages since you do not
+need to edit a load of manifests to do simple things like adjust a desired version number.
+Precedence values can have variables embedded in them in the form %{fqdn}, you could for example do:
+    $extlookup_precedence = [\"hosts/%{fqdn}\", \"common\"]
+This will result in /path/to/extdata/hosts/your.box.com.csv being searched.
+This is for back compatibility to interpolate variables with %. % interpolation is a workaround for a problem that has been fixed: Puppet variable interpolation at top scope used to only happen on each run.") do |args|
+  key = args[0]
+  default  = args[1]
+  datafile = args[2]
+  raise Puppet::ParseError, ("extlookup(): wrong number of arguments (#{args.length}; must be <= 3)") if args.length > 3
+  extlookup_datadir = lookupvar('extlookup_datadir')
+  extlookup_precedence = Array.new
+  extlookup_precedence = lookupvar('extlookup_precedence').collect do |var|
+    var.gsub(/%\{(.+?)\}/) do |capture|
+      lookupvar($1)
+  end
-    desired = nil
+  datafiles = Array.new
-    datafiles.each do |file|
-      if desired.nil?
-        if File.exists?(file)
-          result = CSV.read(file).find_all do |r|
-            r[0] == key
-          end
+  # if we got a custom data file, put it first in the array of search files
+  if datafile != ""
+    datafiles << extlookup_datadir + "/#{datafile}.csv" if File.exists?(extlookup_datadir + "/#{datafile}.csv")
+  end
+  extlookup_precedence.each do |d|
+    datafiles << extlookup_datadir + "/#{d}.csv"
+  end
-          # return just the single result if theres just one,
-          # else take all the fields in the csv and build an array
-          if result.length > 0
-            if result[0].length == 2
-              val = result[0][1].to_s
+  desired = nil
-              # parse %{}'s in the CSV into local variables using lookupvar()
-              while val =~ /%\{(.+?)\}/
-                val.gsub!(/%\{#{$1}\}/, lookupvar($1))
-              end
+  datafiles.each do |file|
+    if desired.nil?
+      if File.exists?(file)
+        result = CSV.read(file).find_all do |r|
+          r[0] == key
+        end
-              desired = val
-            elsif result[0].length > 1
-              length = result[0].length
-              cells = result[0][1,length]
+        # return just the single result if theres just one,
+        # else take all the fields in the csv and build an array
+        if result.length > 0
+          if result[0].length == 2
+            val = result[0][1].to_s
-              # Individual cells in a CSV result are a weird data type and throws
-              # puppets yaml parsing, so just map it all to plain old strings
-              desired = cells.map do |c|
-                # parse %{}'s in the CSV into local variables using lookupvar()
-                while c =~ /%\{(.+?)\}/
-                  c.gsub!(/%\{#{$1}\}/, lookupvar($1))
-                end
+            # parse %{}'s in the CSV into local variables using lookupvar()
+            while val =~ /%\{(.+?)\}/
+              val.gsub!(/%\{#{$1}\}/, lookupvar($1))
+            end
+            desired = val
+          elsif result[0].length > 1
+            length = result[0].length
+            cells = result[0][1,length]
-                c.to_s
+            # Individual cells in a CSV result are a weird data type and throws
+            # puppets yaml parsing, so just map it all to plain old strings
+            desired = cells.map do |c|
+              # parse %{}'s in the CSV into local variables using lookupvar()
+              while c =~ /%\{(.+?)\}/
+                c.gsub!(/%\{#{$1}\}/, lookupvar($1))
+              c.to_s
+  end
-    desired || default or raise Puppet::ParseError, "No match found for '#{key}' in any data file during extlookup()"
+  desired || default or raise Puppet::ParseError, "No match found for '#{key}' in any data file during extlookup()"
diff --git a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/require.rb b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/require.rb
index f15046b..6428530 100644
--- a/lib/puppet/parser/functions/require.rb
+++ b/lib/puppet/parser/functions/require.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ relationships between classes.  This function is a superset of the
 class depends on the required class.
 Warning: using require in place of include can lead to unwanted dependency cycles.
 For instance the following manifest, with 'require' instead of 'include' would produce a nasty dependence cycle, because notify imposes a before between File[/foo] and Service[foo]:
     class myservice {

Puppet packaging for Debian

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