[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#656962: Bug#656962: puppet: fails to upgrade from squeeze - trying to overwrite ...

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Mon Jan 23 12:08:27 UTC 2012

Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> writes:

> during a test with piuparts I noticed your package fails to upgrade
> from squeeze. It installed fine in squeeze, then the upgrade to wheezy
> fails because it tries to overwrite other packages files without
> declaring a replaces relation.

There is such a breaks/replaces relation, but it lists the version where
this new package was introduced in experimental (as far as I remember),
rather than the versions which went through unstable-testing-stable.

The package "puppetmaster-common" lists:

Breaks: puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1)
Replaces: puppetmaster (<< 2.6.1~rc2-1)

The packages exists in the following versions:

puppetmaster-common (debian)
| puppetmaster-common | 2.7.6-1~bpo60+1 | backports/squeeze | all |
| puppetmaster-common |         2.7.9-1 | wheezy            | all |
| puppetmaster-common |         2.7.9-1 | sid               | all |

puppetmaster (debian)
| puppetmaster | 0.24.5-3         | lenny             | all |
| puppetmaster | 0.24.5-3+lenny2  | lenny-p-u         | all |
| puppetmaster | 0.24.5-3+lenny2  | lenny-security    | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.6.2-4~bpo50+1  | backports/lenny   | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.6.2-5+squeeze1 | squeeze           | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.6.2-5+squeeze3 | squeeze-security  | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.7.6-1~bpo60+1  | backports/squeeze | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.7.9-1          | wheezy            | all |
| puppetmaster | 2.7.9-1          | sid               | all |

This should then be solved by updating these fields to 

Breaks: puppetmaster (<< 2.7.6-1~)
Replaces: puppetmaster (<<2.7.6-1~)

I've committed this fix to the packaging repository, and it should make
the next release. Thanks for reporting the bug.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <ssm at debian.org>
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