[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#672426: Bug#672426: puppetmaster-passenger: unowned files after purge (policy 6.8, 10.8)

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Fri May 11 06:45:51 UTC 2012

Andreas Beckmann <debian at abeckmann.de> writes:

> during a test with piuparts I noticed your package left unowned files on
> the system after purge, which is a violation of policy 6.8 (or 10.8):
> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-maintainerscripts.html#s-removedetails
> Filing this as important as having a piuparts clean archive is a release
> goal since lenny.


thanks for the bug report. This should be fixed in the next upload.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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