[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#691599: fix for upstream bug #5298
Costas Drogos
costasd at students.cs.unipi.gr
Sat Oct 27 13:28:07 UTC 2012
Package: puppet-common
Version: 2.6.2-5+squeeze6
We seem to occasionally bump into puppet bug #5298 with some of our
defined resources. The bug is fixed on puppet 2.6.3.
We tried to apply it against 2.6.2-5+squeeze6 and it applies
successfully. It is in production, serving almost 300 Debian Squeeze
clients for about a month now without causing any problems so far.
It would be nice to see it merged in a future Debian point release, if
it meets your standards.
You will find the patch, as was recorded with quilt, attached.
This patch was tested on a clean Debian amd64 6.0.6 Squeeze box (no
backports or third party repositories), used as the puppetmaster.
Thanks in advance,
Costas Drogos
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