[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#720257: vim-puppet: highlights numbers that are part of names

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Mon Aug 19 19:37:47 UTC 2013

Package: vim-puppet
Version: 3.2.4-1
Severity: minor

In the line

    include apache2

the digit 2 is highlighted differently from the rest of the class name.
When visually scanning includes this causes useless attention on names
with digits. The causing match in
/usr/share/vim/addons/syntax/puppet.vim is as follows.

    syn match   puppetParamDigits   "[0-9]\+"

A sequence of digits should not be highlighted when it occurs within a
word. I therefore suggest to change it to add a zero-width start-of-word

    syn match   puppetParamDigits   "\<[0-9]\+"



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